Figorella tanidea J.L. Barnard, 1962

Figorella tanidea J.L. Barnard, 1962: 25, figs 7, 8. ― Lowry & Bullock, 1976: 90. ― Lowry, 1984: 92, figs 31–33. ― Barnard & Karaman, 1991: 487. ― De Broyer & Jazdzewski, 1993: 68. ― Gutt et al., 2000: 80, 83. ― De Broyer et al., 2007: 157.

Diagnostic description. Head lateral cephalic lobe large, narrowly rounded; ventral margin curved. Antenna 1 peduncular article 1 without posterodistal spine; accessory flagellum probably 2-articulate [see Remarks], article 1 short; flagellum without callynophore in specimen of unknown sex. Mandible lacinia mobilis a simple robust seta; lamina dentata absent; accessory setal row present, not on raised setose ridge; molar absent; palp attached slightly distally; palp article 2 broad, as long as article 3; article 3 not distally tapered, with anterior margin convex. Maxilla 1 outer plate with 10 setal-teeth in 4/6 arrangement, setal-teeth smooth; palp well developed, 2-articulate, with apical slender setae. Maxilliped inner plate small; outer plate large; palp 4-articulate, article 4 large. Gnathopod 1 chelate; ischium smaller than propodus, not swollen posteroproximally; carpus extremely compressed; propodus length about 1.9 × breadth, posterior margin well developed, posterodistal corner of palm not attenuated, corner of palm with simple robust seta; dactylus reaching to corner of palm. Gnathopod 2 palm minute, transverse. Pereonite 4 without dorsal spines. Pereonite 5 without dorsal spines. Pereopod 5 merus without posteroproximal shoulder. Pereopod 6 basis with posteroventral lobe weakly produced; merus as broad as long, with posteroproximal shoulder. Pereopod 7 basis subovate with posterior margin weakly dentate. Epimeron 3 posterior margin without projections, posteroventral corner broadly rounded . Uropod 3 biramous, inner ramus extending more than halfway along outer ramus but not reaching base of article 2. Telson [length to breadth not known], entire.

Remarks. Figorella tanidea is the only species of Figorella with what appears to be a 1-articulate accessory flagellum; all other species have a 2-articulate accessory flagellum on antenna 1. However, we cannot be certain that a second article has not been broken off –the one article present is quite broad, as in article 1 of other species. Figorella tanidea is one of three species that have an unusual number of setal-teeth (5 or 6) on the inner row of maxilla 1 outer plate.

Distribution. East Scotia Basin, South Atlantic Ocean and Weddell Sea; 446–3770 m depth.