Ascoschoengastia latyshevi (Schluger, 1955)

(Fig. 49)

Neoschoengastia latyshevi Schluger, 1955: 204, figs. 331–333.

Ascoschoengastia (Paralaurentella) latyshevi, Kepka 1964a: 584, fig. 11.

Ascoschoengastia (Ascoschoengastia) latyshevi, Kudryashova 1979: 72; Kolebinova 1992: 133, fig. 67.

Ascoschoengastia latyshevi, Kudryashova 1998: 284, fig. 243.

Diagnosis. SIF = 6B-N-3-3111.1000; fPp = B/B/BBB; fCx = 1.1.1; fSt = 2.2; fSc: PL> AM> AL; Ip = 576–695; fD = 2H-(12–18)-(11–14)-(8–9)-(6–7)-…; DS = 50–58; VS = 43–48; NDV = 94–105. Standard measurements of one specimen from Turkey: AW 50, PW 57, SB 24, ASB 23, PSB 21, SD 44, P-PL 12, AP 23, AM 22, AL 23, PL 32, H 37, D min 23, D max 31, V min 17, V max 28, pa 216, pm 180, pp 205, Ip 601, DS 51, VS 43, NDV 94, TaIII 51, fD = 2H-15-11-8-7-5-3.

Type material (not examined). Holotype was not designated, type material is lost, and type locality is unknown.

Comparative material examined. Ten larvae (ZISP) ex Apodemus (Sylvaemus) sp., RUSSIA: Stavropolskiy Krai, Pyatigorsk, Mashuk Mt, 44° 03' 18" N, 43° 06' 13" E, 700 m a.s.l., 10 June 1996, coll. AAS.

Material from Turkey examined. One larva (ZISP) ex Apodemus mystacinus, GümüŞhane Prov., UğurtaŞı, 1750 m a.s.l., 12 June 1998, coll. AAS.

Hosts. 14 rodent species, one soricomorph [Crocidura suaveolens (Pallas)], and two birds (Parus major L. and Sitta europaea L.) (Kudryashova 1998) plus Apodemus mystacinus (Danford and Alston).

Distribution. France (Corsica), Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia (from European part to Sakhalin; to the north, up to Pskov and Leningrad Provinces), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan. This species is here recorded from Turkey for the first time.