Raw data belonging to: "Chen, C.-C., F.-K. Shiah, G.-W. Gong, and T.-Y. Chen (2021). Impact of upwelling on phytoplankton blooms and hypoxia along the Chinese coast in the East China Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112288" "Metadata for tab ""Fig. 1""" Note: #NA = data not available Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark A Station Digitial number Number standing for sampling station B Longitude Numerial oE Longitude of sampling station C Latitude Numerial oN Latitude of sampling station D Temp Numerial oC Sea water temperature E SSS Numerial psu Sea surface water salinty F NO3 Numerial µM Dissolved inorganic nitrate concentration G PO4 Numerial µM Dissolved inorganic phosphate concentration H CHL_A Numerial mg/m3 Chlorophyll a concentration I POC Numerial µg C/L Particulate organic carbon concentration "Metadata for tab ""Fig. 2""" Note: #NA = data not available Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark A T1 Transect T1 B Station Digitial number Sampling station number along transect T1 C Relative distance Numerical km The relative distance between sampling station to the shoreward most station D Sampling Numerical m Water column depth E Temp Numerical oC Sea water temperature F Salinity Numerical psu sea water salinity G DO Numerical mg/l Dissolved oxygen concentration H T2 Transect T2 I Station Digitial number Sampling station number along transect T2 J Relative distance Numerical km The relative distance between sampling station to the shoreward most station K Sampling Numerical m Water column depth L Temp Numerical oC Sea water temperature M Salinity Numerical psu sea water salinity N DO Numerical mg/l Dissolved oxygen concentration O T3 Transect T3 P Station Digitial number Sampling station number along transect T3 Q Relative distance Numerical km The relative distance between sampling station to the shoreward most station R Sampling Numerical m Water column depth S Temp Numerical oC Sea water temperature T Salinity Numerical psu sea water salinity U DO Numerical mg/l Dissolved oxygen concentration V T4 Transect T4 W Station Digitial number Sampling station number along transect T4 X Relative distance Numerical km The relative distance between sampling station to the shoreward most station Y Sampling Numerical m Water column depth Z Temp Numerical oC Sea water temperature AA Salinity Numerical psu sea water salinity AB DO Numerical mg/l Dissolved oxygen concentration "Metadata for tab ""Fig. 3""" Note: #NA = data not available Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark A T1 Transect T1 B Station Digitial number Sampling station number along transect T1 C Relative distance Numerical km The relative distance between sampling station to the shoreward most station D Sampling Numerical m Water column depth E NO3 Numerical µM Dissolved inorganic nitrate concentraton F PO4 Numerical µM Dissolved inorganic phospate concentration G CHL A Numerical mg/m3 Chlorophyll a concentration H T2 Transect T2 I Station Digitial number Sampling station number along transect T2 J Relative distance Numerical km The relative distance between sampling station to the shoreward most station K Sampling Numerical m Water column depth L NO3 Numerical µM Dissolved inorganic nitrate concentraton M PO4 Numerical µM Dissolved inorganic phospate concentration N CHL A Numerical mg/m3 Chlorophyll a concentration O T3 Transect T3 P Station Digitial number Sampling station number along transect T3 Q Relative distance Numerical km The relative distance between sampling station to the shoreward most station R Sampling Numerical m Water column depth S NO3 Numerical µM Dissolved inorganic nitrate concentraton T PO4 Numerical µM Dissolved inorganic phospate concentration U CHL A Numerical mg/m3 Chlorophyll a concentration V T4 Transect T4 W Station Digitial number Sampling station number along transect T4 X Relative distance Numerical km The relative distance between sampling station to the shoreward most station Y Sampling Numerical m Water column depth Z NO3 Numerical µM Dissolved inorganic nitrate concentraton AA PO4 Numerical µM Dissolved inorganic phospate concentration AB CHL A Numerical mg/m3 Chlorophyll a concentration "Metadata for tab ""Fig. 4""" Note: #NA = data not available Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark A Station 1-35; 10A Sampling station number B Longitude Numerical oE Longitude of sampling station C Latitude Numerical oN Latitude of sampling station D O2 Numerical mg/l Dissolved oxygen concentration E NO3 Numerical µM dissolved inorganic nitrate concentration "Metadata for tab ""Fig. 5""" Note: #NA = data not available Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark A 1 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station B Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature C Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD D 2 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station E Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature F Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD G 3 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station H Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature I Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD J 4 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station K Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature L Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD M 5 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station N Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature O Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD P 6 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station Q Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature R Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD S 7 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station T Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature U Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD V 8 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station W Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature X Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD Y 9 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station Z Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature AA Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD AB 10 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station AC Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature AD Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD AE 12 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station AF Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature AG Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD AH 14 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station AI Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature AJ Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD AK 15 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station AL Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature AM Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD AN 16 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station AO Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature AP Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD AQ 17 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station AR Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature AS Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD AT 18 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station AU Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature AV Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD AW 19 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station AX Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature AY Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD AZ 19a Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station BA Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature BB Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD BC 20 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station BD Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature BE Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD BF 21 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station BG Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature BH Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD BI 22 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station BJ Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature BK Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD BL 23 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station BM Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature BN Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD BO 24 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station BP Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature BQ Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD BR 26 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station BS Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature BT Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD BU 27 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station BV Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature BW Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD BX 28 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station BY Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature BZ Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD CA 29 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station CB Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature CC Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD CD 30 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station CE Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature CF Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD CG 31 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station CH Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature CI Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD CJ 32 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station CK Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature CL Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD CM 33 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station CN Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature CO Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD CP 34 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station CQ Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature CR Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD CS 35 Sampling station number The data for following two columns is potential temperature vs. salinity of the water column in this sampling station CT Po-Temp. Numerical oC Poential temperature CU Salt. Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD "Metadata for tab ""Fig. 6""" Note: #NA = data not available Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark A DO saturation Numerical % saturation of dissolved oxygen B NO3 Numerical µM Dissolved inorganic nitrate conceentration C PO4 Numerical µM Dissolved inorganic phospahte concentration "Metadata for tab ""Fig. 7""" Note: #NA = data not available Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark A CTD_S Numerical psu salinity data record from CTD B NO3 Numerical µM Dissolved inorganic nitrate conceentration C PO4 Numerical µM Dissolved inorganic phospahte concentration