27. Anthracomya Rondani, 1856: 87.

ORIGINALLY INCLUDED SPECIES: Anthracomya geneji Rondani, 1856 (as “ Anthracomya Genèji Mihi ”).

TYPE SPECIES: Anthracomya geneji Rondani, 1856 (as “ Anthracomya Genèji Mihi ”) [= Musca doronici Scopoli, 1763], by original designation.

CURRENT STATUS: Junior synonym of Morinia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 [teste Herting (1993: 104)].


REMARKS: Rognes (1986a) and Pape (1986) transferred Morinia from the Rhinophoridae to the Calliphoridae [its continued treatment under Rhinophoridae by Herting (1993) was due to the cut-off date of 1982 set for the Palaearctic Catalogue], and Rognes (1991b: 14) further refined this by placing the genus in the subfamily Polleniinae.

EMENDATIONS: Antracomya Lioy, 1864b: 881 (unjustified), n. syn.; Anthracomyia Rondani, 1868a: 50 (unjustified), n. syn.