Nepanamixis torreanus Thomas, 1997

Nepanamixis torreanus Thomas, 1997: 77–79, fig. 21.

Type locality and specimens. Darwin Bay, Tower Island, Galapagos. Holotype, anamorph male, 2.52 mm, USNM 243340.

Material examined. No material available for examination. Diagnosis based on description by Thomas (1997).

Diagnosis. Gnathopod 1 carpus apex with 1 setule. Coxa 4 with crenulate distal margin. Telson with midapical projection.

Leucomorph (juvenile/sexually dimorphic characters). Unknown.

Habitat. Among Porites coral; 1 meter.

Host. Unknown.

Distribution. Pacific Ocean: Tower Island, Galapagos (Thomas 1997).