Eurytreta ? sp. 1

Material. Two poorly preserved ventral valves from sample JH-7.

Description. Shell subcircular. Posterior margin broad and weakly convex. Largest specimen 2.6 mm long and 2.9 mm wide. Ornamentation consisting of fine growth lines.

Ventral valve moderately high conical, 39–48% as high as long, gently concave. Pseudointerarea steeply apsacline to steeply procline with weak, narrow interridge. Anterior valve slope gently to moderately convex. Lateral slopes gently convex. Foramen posteriorly directed, constituting highest point of valve. Interior unknown.

Remarks. No satisfactory material was available for illustrations.

Occurrence. 17 m above base of Profilbekken Member, Valhallfonna Formation, Basissletta in northeastern Ny Friesland, Spitsbergen.