Syringophiloidus furthi sp. nov.

(Figs. 6–11)

Description. FEMALE (holotype and 5 paratypes). Total body length 735. Gnathosoma. Infracapitulum and stylophore punctate. Each median branch of peritremes with 4 chambers, each lateral branch with 8 chambers. Length of stylophore and movable cheliceral digit 170 (165–170) and about 135, respectively. Idiosoma. Propodonotal shield entirely punctate. Ratio of setae vi:ve:si 1: 1.4-1.6: 3.4-4. Dorsal setae (excluding f 1, f 2, h 1, h 2) beaded. Hysteronotal shield punctate, bearing bases of setae d 2 and d 1. Pygidial shield punctate. Lengths ratio of setae d 2:d 1: e 2 1.1-1.2: 1-1.1: 1-1.1. Setae h 1 and f 1 similar in length. Length ratio of ag 1:ag 2:ag 3 1.2-1.8: 1: 1.5-2. Genital setae thick, subequal in length. Pseudanal setae subequal in length. Length ratio of setae g1,2:ps1,2 1-1.4: 1. Genital plate present bearing bases of setae ag 2, ag 3 and g 1, g 2. Length ratio of setae h 1:h 2 1: 10-12.8. Legs. All coxal fields densely punctate. Setae 3 c ca. 3 times longer than 3 b. Setae tc” of legs III–IV ca. twice longer than tc’. Fan-like setae p’ and p” of legs III–IV with 6 tines. Lengths of setae: vi 35 (30–40), ve 55 (55), si 140 (135–155), c 2 215 (195–200), se 205 (180–210), c 1 210 (195–215), d 2 195 (175–180), d 1 165 (145–180), e 2 180 (145–165), f 1 20 (25–35), f 2 265 (225–245), h 1 25 (25–35), h 2 (320–335), ag 1 145 (125–155), ag 2 80 (80–105), ag 3 180 (145–175), g1,2 (25–30), ps1,2 (15–20), tc’ (45), tc” (90), l’R 3 (35), l’R 4 (30), 3 b (25–30), 3 c (90–95).

MALE. Unknown.

Etymology. This new species is dedicated to Dr. David Furth, prominent American entomologist, expert on Alticinae beetles.

Type material. Female holotype and 5 female paratypes from coverts of black-headed paradise-flycatcher Terpsiphone rufiventer (Swainson) (Passeriformes: Monarchidae), GABON: Ogooue Maritime Province (Moukalaba-Doudou National Park, NW corner of N'dogo Lagoon), 14 April 2003, coll. B. K. Schmidt (mites removed by E. Glowska). USNM catalog number of the host: 631583.

Type deposition. Holotype female and 2 female paratypes are deposited in the USNM, 3 female paratypes in the AMU.

Differential diagnosis. This new species is morphologically similar to S. bombycillae Skoracki, 2002 described from the bohemian waxwing Bombycilla garrulus (L.) (Passeriformes: Bombycillidae) from Slovakia. In females of both species, the infracapitulum, the propodonotal shield and all coxal fields are punctate, dorsal setae are ornamented; number of chambers in the medial branches of the peritremes and the length ratios of setae vi:ve:si are similar. Females of S. furthi sp. nov. are distinguishable by the lateral branch of the peritremes represented by eight chambers, the punctate hysteronotal and pygidial shields, presence of the genital plate and by the length of setae ag 1 125–155, ag 2 80–105, ag 3 145–180, and h 2 320–335. In females of S. bombycillae, the lateral branch of the peritremes is represented by 10–12 chambers, the hysteronotal and pygidial shields are apunctate and the genital plate is absent. Length of setae ag 1, ag 2, ag 3 and h 2 are 165–200, 135 – 165, 240 – 250 and 405–450, respectively.