Genus Chenophila Kethley

Chenophila Kethley, 1970: 37. Type-species: Chenophila branta Kethley, 1970, by original designation.

branta Kethley, 1970: 38, fig. 22.

Type material. Holotype female at UGA, paratypes: females at UGA. Hosts and distribution. Branta canadensis (type host) (Anseriformes: Anatidae), type-locality: USA, Michigan, Oackland Co., Kensiglon park (Kethley 1970).

Habitat. Covert feathers.

kanduli Bochkov, 1998 (in Bochkov & Mironov 1998): 7, figs. 2–6.

Type material. Holotype female at ZISP (T-Sy- 1), paratypes: females, males at ZISP. Hosts and distribution. Anas querquedula (type host) (Anseriformes: Anatidae), type-locality: RUSSIA, Kaliningrad Prov., Kurshskaya (Bochkov & Mironov 1998); A. clypeata (Anatidae), USA, Michigan, Monroe Co., Pointe Mouillee State Game Area, (UMMZ) (Skoracki et al. 2011 a).

Habitat. Unknown.

platyrhynchos Tymcio, Kavetska, Czyz and Skoracki, 2013: 660, figs. 1–5. Type material. Holotype at AMU, paratypes: females at AMU, ZISP, ZSM. Hosts and distribution. Anas platyrhynchos (type host), type locality: POLAND, Szczecin (Tymcio et al. 2013). Habitat. Unknown.