Haploops antarctica n. sp.

(Figs 1–2)

Type material. HOLOTYPE. Adult female, holotype, 10mm. ANDEEP III Station EBS 154-9 Supra, trawling long: 2,525 m, depth of the station 3,803m, 62°32.52’S – 64°39.45’W, 62°31.31’S – 64°38.66’W. Bellingshausen Sea. Hamburg Museum N° 41928.

Diagnosis. Body without dorsal seta. Urosome, segment 1 with a small carena. Corneal lenses absent. Coxa 4 with posterior lobe lanceolated. Pereopod 7 not elongate, basis with posterior margin concave, length/ width= 5/3, lobe exceeding the ischial distal edge. Epimeral plates 2 and 3 with postero-distal angle rounded. Telson longer than wide, cleft on 3/4 of the length, 1 apical spine and 1 seta on each lobe.

Description. HOLOTYPE, adult female 10 mm. Body without dorsal setae.

Head without rostrum, little longer than the first two segments of mesosome. Corneal lenses absent. A1 longer than peduncle of A2, peduncle with article 1 shorter than article2, article1/article2/article3=15/21/7, flagellum with 19 articles. A2 longer than half body, peduncle with segment 4 shorter than 5 = 5/8, flagellum broken with more than 24 articles. A1 and A2 sparsely setose. Maxilla 1, inner plate bearing a single subterminal seta, outer plate with 10 spines, palp with the extremity quadridentate and bearing 10 spines. Maxilla 2, inner lobe shorter than outer. Mandibular palp long, segment 2 longer than 3.

Pereon. Coxa 1 not expanded distally, maximum width about the half of the coxa length, distal margin rounded and setose. Gnathopod 1 shorter than gnathopod 2, propodus oval. Coxa 2 distally tapered. Gnathopod 2 with propodus shorter than carpus = ½. Coxa 3 oval, coxa 4 with posterior lobe rounded. Pereopods 3 and 4 with the dactylus slightly longer than propodus, only slightly curved, merus longer than carpus+propodus: 4/3 for P3 and 5.5/3.5 for P4. Pereopod 5 broken, basis rounded anteriorly, fringed with 8 setae. Pereopod 6, basis rounded anteriorly fringed with 6 setae, merus with a short posterior lobe, carpus with 5 anterior spines rows. Pereopod 7 not elongate, basis with posterior margin concave, length/width= 5/3, lobe exceeding the ischial distal edge, lobe densely setose on the posterior and distal margins and on the lobe (14 setae apparently not plumose on the margin and 3 on the postero-distal margin of the distal lobe), merus with an anterior distal lobe, 6 spines on the posterior edge, carpus oval without lobe, 3 spines on the both edge, propodus+dactylus/carpus=1.5/2.5.

Pleon and telson. Urosome, segment 1 with a small carena. Epimeral plates 2 and 3 with postero-distal angle rounded. Uropod 1, rami equal, slightly shorter than peduncle. Uropod 2, rami inequal, inner/outer=3/2, inner ramus with 5 spines, outer with 2 spines. Uropod 3 rami foliaceous, of slightly different length, longer than peduncle, outer ramus truncate with 3 terminal spines. Telson longer than wide, cleft on 3/4 of the length, 1 apical spine and one seta on each lobe.

Etymology. The species name refers to the Southern Antarctic Ocean where the species was discovered.