9. Yunkeracarus microti Smith, Whitaker et Giesen, 1985

(Fig. 64)

Yunkeracarus microti Smith et al. 1985: 481, figs. 1–7; Zabludovskaya 1989: 64, 1990: 35.

Redescription. FEMALE (holotype). Body, including gnathosoma, 370 long (320–370 in 5 specimens from Microtus pennsylvanicus), 200 wide (170–210). Propodonotal shield with widely rounded posterior margin, length 65, maximum width 65. Setae si 28 long, subequal to se 26 long. Distance se–se 80 (70–85), 4.5 times greater than si–si, 17 (13–19). Bursa copulatrix opening dorsal. Sternum about 19 long. Posterior projections of coxal fields I distinctly developed, about 10 long, 15 wide. Distance between distal ends of apodemes II 30. Two pairs of weakly developed folds present ventrally on propodosoma posterior to coxal fields II. Distance 4a–4a 22, 1.4 times greater than ps3–ps3, 16. Alveoli of setae h1 and h3 absent. Legs III and IV subequal in length, about 120 and 130 long, respectively (excluding pretarsus). Setae cG I filiform, about 13 long, cG II microspines, about 2 long. Setal lengths: 1a 12–13, c3 17 (16–18), cp 18 (18–23), h2 155 (140–155), vF I 18– 20, vF II 25–30, mG I–II 22–25, gT I–II 3, solenidion ϕI–II about 7, ω 1 I–II about 10.

MALE (paratype). Body, including gnathosoma, 345 long, 175 wide. Propodonotum as in female. Propodonotal shield 55 long, 65 maximum wide. Setae si 35 long, 1.4 times longer than se, 25 long. Distance se–se 65, more than 5 times greater than si–si, 12. Sternum 17 long. Posterior projections of coxal fields I distinctly developed, 9 long, 13 wide. Distance between distal ends of apodemes II 25. Two pairs of weakly developed folds present ventrally on propodosoma posterior to coxal fields II. Aedeagus 45 long, its posterior end situated at level of setae g. Length and width of postgenital shield subequal, about 23. Distance g–g 20, 4 times greater than ps3–ps3, 5. Alveoli of setae h1 and h3 absent. Legs III and IV subequal in length, about 120 and 130 long, respectively. Setae cG I filiform, about 9 long, cG II microspines, about 2 long. Setal lengths: 1a 11, c3 17, cp 18, h2 140, vF I 18, vF II 21, mG I–II 22–25, gT I–II about 2, solenidion ϕI–II about 6, ω 1 I–II about 10.

Type material examined. Female holotype (USNM) and male paratype (allotype) (USNM) ex Microtus pennsylvanicus (Ord) (Cricetidae), USA: Pennsylvania, Huntingdon Co., Juniata College Biological Field Station, 40°37'N, 78°7'W, 30 July 1982, coll. M. Smith.

Type deposition. Holotype is deposited in USNM.

Non-type material examined. One female [in poor condition], 2 tritonymphs, 5 protonymphs, and 1 larva (UMMZ) (BMOC 77-0520 - 001) ex Microtus pennsylvanicus, USA: New York, Tompkins Co., Connecticut Hill, 42°23'N, 76°40'W, 20 May 1977, coll. B. M. OConnor; 1 female (UMMZ) (BMOC 74-0606 - 001 e) ex same host, USA: New York, Tompkins Co., Ithaca, Savage Farm Dr., 42°26'N, 76°29'W, 6 June 1974, B.M. OConnor; 5 females (UMMZ) (BMOC 77-0903 - 001) [in poor condition] ex same host, USA: New York, Tompkins Co., Ithaca, Judd Falls Rd., 3 September 1977, coll. B.M. OConnor; 1 female (IRSNB) ex same host, USA: Michigan, Ingham Co., E. Lansing, 42°44'N, 84°29'W; 1 May 1959, coll. M. Geiger; 2 females and 1 male (IRSNB) ex Microtus arvalis (Pallas), NETHERLANDS: Gederland Prov., Nijmegen, 51°50'N, 05°52'E, 22 January 1971, coll. F. Lukoschus.

Host range and distribution. This species is known from voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus (type host) from USA (Pennsylvania, New York, Michigan) (Smith et al. 1985), and Microtus arvalis from the Netherlands (new record).