ACCESS1.3b model output from the Amazonian Deforestation (AMZDEF) experiment v2.0 ACCESS1.3b model output from the Amazonian Deforestation (AMZDEF) experiment v2.0. The AMZDEF simulation investigates the effect of Amazonian deforestation for the global climate between 1978-2011. ACCESS1.3 is a general circulation climate model developed as a collaboration between CSIRO and BoM. The 1.3b version of this model uses UM7.3 as the atmospheric component and CABLE2.0 as the land component. The ocean component is not included in this simulations. Model configuration is based on Greg Roff's (BoM) ACCESS 1.3 job on Solar, but with CABLE2.0 instead of 1.8. Updated sea surface temperature and sea ice input files to cover longer time period (1950-2011). Alternative vegetation fraction files used for different experiments. Set up on Raijin by Ruth Lorenz with help from Scott Wales and Jhan Srbinovsky. Updated Sea surface temperature and sea ice files provided by Dan Copsey (Met Office) Version v1.0 of this dataset includes monthly means for air temperature at 1.5m and total precipitation, calculated from the raw model output. Version v2.0 adds new variables heat fluxes, radiation, humidity and wind component to air temperature and total precipitation. Version v2.0 includes all V1.0 ensemble members (E0) and new ones (E1, E2, E3 and E4). The new ensemble members are initiliased in earlier years. These experiments were executed by Dr Ruth Lorenz of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science (ARCCSS) as part of its research program: "The role of land surface forcing and feedbacks for regional climate". More information on the model configuration can be found on the CLEX CMS wiki: experiment configuration: control run configuration: The data is available online on the NCI TDS server: and for NCI users in the ks32 project. Files organisation: Model input in Input/ Model output in v2-0/ Files: # Model output from Land use change experiments: for control run 001GPsc.* - 121GPsc.* for strongly coupled region 001GPwc.* - 121GPwc.* for weakly coupled region # Model output from GLACE-CMIP5 for calculation of coupling strength: daily precip from control daily temp from control daily precip from expA daily temp from expA # Model output from GLACE-1 for calculation of coupling strength # provided in supplementary material: Write ensemble, ensemble mean of precip Write ensemble, full ensemble of precip Write ensemble, ensemble mean of temp Write ensemble, full ensemble of temp Read ensemble, ensemble mean of precip Read ensemble, full ensemble of precip Read ensemble, ensemble mean of temp Read ensemble, full ensemble of temp # Input files for model runs: for CTL * - * for strongly coupled region * - * for weakly coupled region (pseudo dimension in these files are the plant functional types per grid cell) DOI: v2.0 - Research Data Australia records: v2.0 - Contact: for any question on the dataset content and provenance for questions or issues with file accessibility Citation: Lorenz, Ruth, 2016: ACCESS1.3b model output from the Amazonian Deforestation (AMZDEF) experiment v2.0 . NCI National Research Data Collection , doi:10.4225/41/56F0BDE513DDA Associated paper: Lorenz, R., A. J. Pitman, and S. A. Sisson (2016), Does Amazonian deforestation cause global effects; can we be sure?, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, 5567–5584, doi:10.1002/2015JD024357 Pitman, A & Lorenz, Ruth. (2016). Scale dependence of the simulated impact of Amazonian deforestation on regional climate. Environmental Research Letters. 11. 094025. 10.1088/1748-9326/11/9/094025. License: Creative Commons - Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives 4.0 International