Solenosmilia variabilis Duncan, 1873

Fig. 2J

Solenosmilia variabilis Duncan, 1873: 328, pl. 42, figs. 11–18. — Squires, 1969: 18, pl.6, map 2. — Cairns, 1982: 31, pl. 9, figs. 4–5 (Subantarctic records, description, synonymy, figures); 1995: 82, pl. 23d–e (synonymy).

New Record. — Vema 17­14RD, 47°01'S, 75°44'W (off Península Tres Montes), 1146 m, 1 colony, USNM 1022415.

Remarks. —The only previous record of this species from Chile or the entire eastern Pacific was that of Squires (1969), who mapped one occurrence at about 47° S but did not provide documentation. The Vema specimen reported herein is undoubtedly that record. It is a small colony of 6 cm in height having only 12 corallites, but shows evidence of intratentacular budding, which is characteristic of the genus, leading to equal, three­dimensional dichotomous branching.

Solenosmilia variabilis is one of the few scleractinian species having an almost cosmopolitan distribution, occurring at depths of 220–2165 m (Cairns 1995).