Caryophyllia (C.) planilamellata Dennant, 1906

Caryophyllia planilamellata Dennant, 1906: 157–158, pl. 6, figs. 4a,b (SA).– Howchin, 1909 (listed).– Squires, 1961: 18 (listed).– Veron, 1986: 605 (listed).–Cairns & Parker, 1992: 17–19, figs. 4g –i (synonymy, description, SA, Vic, Tas).– Stranks, 1993: 20 (type deposition).

Caryophyllia cyathus.– Hoffmeister, 1933: 14, pl. 4, figs. 4–5 (SA).– Squires, 1961: 18 (listed).

Caryophyllia clavus.– Wells, 1958: 262, 265, pl. 1, figs. 12–13 (Tas).– Squires, 1961: 18 (listed).– Not Shepherd & Veron, 1982: 176–177, fig. 4.55b.

New records. SOUTH AUSTRALIA: PL94-22, 1, QUO; PL94-36, 1, QUO; PL94-53, 1, QUO; PL-94-54A, 1, QUO. — TASMANIA: Soela 05/ 84/51, 3, NMV F67786; Soela 04/84/03, 2, NMV F67788; Franklin Slope 84, 1, NMV F67141; Franklin 10/86/01, 1, AM G15885; Sprightly BMR S73-2051, 18, AM G15357. — NEW SOUTH WALES: Kapala, “ between Sydney and Newcastle ”, 545–686 m, 2, AM G16578; NZOI U208, 3, AM G16607. — QUEENSLAND: Franklin 06/88/x, 2, AM G16668.

Types. The holotype is NMV F41521. Type Locality: Cape Jaffa (220–549 m) or off Beachport (201 m), South Australia (Stranks, 1993). Paratypes, or at least topotypic specimens from the original Verco collection, also present at SAM and USNM (Cairns & Parker, 1992).