Schizotrema leopardinum Hale, 1949

Schizotrema leopardinum Hale, 1949: 234–236. Watling, 1991: 755. Băcescu, 1992: 260. Petrescu, 2001b: 116. Stoddart & Lowry, 2003: 418. Petrescu, 2006: 163.

Material examined: 1♀, P.90818; 1♀, P.65083; 1♀, 1♂, P.65089; 1♀, P.65084; 1♀, P.65087; 2♀♀, P.65095; 2♀♀, 1♂, P.65099; 4♀♀, P.65295; 1♀, P.65374; 1♂, P.65375; 1♂, P.65383; 3♂♂, P.65610.

Distribution. Australia (WA) at 3–5 m (Băcescu, 1992) and Tanzania (Petrescu, 2001). Now known to be more widespread in Australia: QLD—Lizard Island, at 3–21.2 m; SA—Yorke Peninsula; and WA— 30 km south of Carnarvon, Rottnest Island and Vlaming Head, at 0.5–1 m depth.