Campylaspis berentsae sp. nov.

Fig. 5

Holotype subadult ♀, 5.04 mm, P.65546, Australia, WA, North West Shelf, -19.983° 117.856°, 42 m, epibenthic sled, 18 Feb 1983, CSIRO North-West Shelf project, FRV Soela, 01-B1-S | S01-83-B1, in AM. Paratypes: 1 subadult ♂, P.63964; 1♀, P.63966; 1♀, P.63967; 1♀, (dissected) MGAB CUM 1649.

Etymology. The species is dedicated to Dr Penny Berents, former Collection Manager of Marine Invertebrate collections at the Australian Museum, as a sign of high gratitude and respect for all her generous help she offered to me during my stay in Sydney in 2003.

Diagnosis. Carapace lateral sulcus with 1 transverse ridge behind the basis of ocular lobe, its upper and inner margins with rows of tubercles; pereonite 5 with to pleonite 4 and 6 with doubled carina, unique on pleonite 5; maxilliped 2 carpus with 1 seta; uropodal peduncle 1.8 pleonite 6.

Description. Carapace 0.56 entire body length, 2 lateral ridges delimiting lateral sulcus, 1 transverse ridge on sulcus, behind posterior extremity of frontal lobe, its upper and inner margins with rows of tubercles, 1 pair of small tubercle on basis of frontal lobe; eyelobe with 3 lenses; unique carina on basis of frontal lobe; pseudorostrum 0.38 carapace length (Fig. 5 A,B). Double carina on pereonite 5 and pleonites 1–4, 6, 1 carina on pleonite 5. — Antenna 1 peduncle article 1 0.8 rest of article’s length; article 2 1.1 article 3 length; main flagellum 0.9 article 3 length, with 3 articles; accessory flagellum with 1 article; aesthetascs 1.6 main flagellum length (Fig. 5 C). — Maxilliped 2 basis fused with ischium, with 1 long plumose seta; merus with 1 long plumose seta; carpus 1.25 merus length, with 1 tooth and 1 simple seta; propodus 2nd longest article, 1.3 carpus length with 1 tooth and 1 short simple seta longer than the 3 terminal teeth of dactylus (Fig. 5 D). — Maxilliped 3 basis 1.1 rest of article’s length, with 5 plumose setae; merus, 3 carpus length, with serrate margins, 1 long plumose seta; carpus as long as propodus, strongly serrate margins, with 3 plumose setae; dactylus 0.5 propodus length, with long terminal simple seta, with 1 plumose and 5 simple setae; with exopod (Fig. 5 E). — Pereopod 1 basis 0.48 pereopod length, with 4 plumose setae; basis to propodus with serrate margins; ischium with 1 plumose seta; merus 3. 6 ischium length, with 4 simple and 3 plumose setae; carpus 0.8 merus length, with 2 simple and 5 plumose setae; propodus 0.5 carpus length, with 2 simple and 3 plumose setae; dactylus 0.5 propodus length, with 5 simple setae; with exopod (Fig. 5 F). — Pereopod 2 basis 0.37 pereopod length, with 3 plumose setae; merus 6.5 ischium length, with 2 plumose setae; carpus 2 merus length, with 1 simple and 6 plumose setae; dactylus 3 propodus length, with 9 simple setae; with exopod (Fig. 5 G). — Pereopods 3–5 with decreasing basis and increasing carpus; pereopods 3 and 4 basis to carpus with serrate margins; pereopod 3 with 7 plumose, 3 simple and 2 annulate setae; pereopod 4 with 6 plumose, 3 simple and 2 annulate setae; pereopod 5 with 4 simple and 2 annulate setae; dactylus with 1 terminal simple seta (Fig. 5 H-J). — Uropod peduncle 1.8 pleonite 6 length, 2.3 endopod length; peduncle and rami with serrate margins; exopod 0.8 endopod length, with 2 simple setae; endopod with 4 microserrate setae (Fig. 5 K).

Remarks. Campylaspis berentsae sp. nov. is similar to C. tasmaniensis Petrescu, 2006, with a tuberculate carapace and lateral depression. It differs in the shorter pseudorostrum, eye lobe with lenses, maxilliped 3 with shorter terminal setae, pereopod 1 with serrate margins of the articles, pereopod 2 with a shorter dactylus, and more robust uropods with shorter peduncles and rami. The new species also resembles C. microsulcata Gerken, 2012 from New Zealand with 1 similar sulcus, but has a transverse ridge on the anterior part.

Distribution. Australia: WA—North West Shelf; at 42–54 m depth.