
Milvus migrans (VAG): occurs in almost the entire Old Word and Australasia, and the nominotypical subspecies is highly migratory. It breeds in continental Europe, northwestern Africa and western Asia, and overwinters mainly south of the Sahara in Africa (Ferguson-Lees & Christie, 2001). Vagrant individuals have been recorded in New Zealand and on Hawaiian islands in the Pacific. One adult individual was recently recorded in the Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago, 1,100 km away from the Brazilian coast,between April 16 th and May 17 th 2014, probably by following winds from northwestern Africa (Nunes et al., 2015) that are tangent to the main flyway used by this species when moving between the wintering and breeding areas in western Europe (Sergio et al., 2014).

[Geranoaetus polyosoma] (VAG): occurs from central Andes in Colombia to Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego, Malvinas /Falklands and Juan Fernández Islands on the coast of Chile (Bierregaard, 1994). During austral winter, birds from the Chilean Andes and from Patagonia fly north to subtropical plains in northern and eastern Argentina, Paraguay and perhaps Uruguay (Thiollay, 1994). In Brazil, there are few records: none is documented and only one has a specific locality on Cabo Frio Island in Arraial do Cabo/RJ (Pacheco, 2005).