AmoePy Package/B02 Code Base

Table of Contents

  1. General Information
  2. Documentation
  3. Dependencies: Conda Environment Usage
  4. Installing AmoePy
  5. Starting Graphical User Interface
  6. Generating Article Plots
  7. Generating Kymograph Data
  8. Generating Test Case Data

<a name="information"></a>General Information

AmoePy is a python-based toolbox for analyzing and simulating amoeboid cell motility, including a graphical user interface (GUI) under development.

In addition to this README, the CHEATSHEET will give you an overview over the most important GUI features.

The AmoePy software package consists of two main directories:

  • B02 and
  • b02-data.

B02 contains the code base of the project <a href="">B02</a> of the Collaborative Research Center <a href="">SFB 1294</a>.

In B02, you will find:

  • source codes in B02/src,
  • documenations in B02/build/html/index.html and
  • few data sets in B02/data.

b02-data contains additional data, necessary to reproduce every result of our research. Many routines in B02, especially those regarding our research work, depend on the data from b02-data.

<b>Therefore, both directories must be saved in the same parent directory!</b>

<a name="documentation"></a>Documentation

AmoePy is provided with an html documentation (generated with Sphinx) which can be found the following path:


<a name="dependency"></a>Dependencies: Conda Environment Usage

This project uses <a href="">conda</a> to manage its dependencies. Therefore, we recommend to install the newest Anaconda distribution from <a href="">this link</a>.

During the installation, a conda environment (called AmoePy) will be created. For this conda environment, a list of python packages listed in B02/src/environment.yml will be downloaded. The default conda environment (named base) stays untouched. See below for additional information on conda environment commands.

<a name="install"></a>Installing AmoePy

Recommended: Installation via conda command lines (Windows, MacOS, Linux)

First, depending on your operating system, open a new

  • shell (Linux)
  • terminal (MacOS)
  • command prompt or anaconda prompt (Windows)

In this tutorial, the sign $ indicates a new line only. Therefore, all commands must be entered without $

You might update conda with the following command

$ conda update conda

For a given directory DIR, where the package B02 is saved, you can now change the working directory by the following commands:

$ cd DIR
$ cd B02
$ cd src

To install all dependencies and activate the conda environment, within B02/src use

$ conda env create -n AmoePy -f environment.yml
$ conda activate AmoePy

After this step, all Python dependencies should be installed. Now, you can start the graphical user interface of AmoePy by using the python commands listed in the section below (named Starting graphical user interface).

Additional commands which may be helpful while using conda environments

If you already have an AmoePy conda environment, you can add the dependencies by running

$ conda env update -n AmoePy -f environment.yml
$ conda activate AmoePy

To see a list of all environments, use

$ conda env list

To delete the AmoePy environment, use

$ conda activate base
$ conda env remove -n AmoePy

Additional conda environment commands can be found <a href="">here</a>.

Alternative 1 (under development): Installation on MacOS

In order to install AmoePy, click on B02/Install (MacOS).

An opening window may ask for permissions regarding:

  • Terminal
  • Directory rights such as Desktop or Documents

A terminal window should open which installs or updates the conda environment in order to install necessary python packages for AmoePy. If it asks for permission to overwrite packages, type y.

Afterwards, you can easily open AmoePy by clicking on B02/

Alternative 2 (under development): Installation via shell scripts (MacOS, Linux).

You can install AmoePy by calling the shell script B02/ (Mac/Linux) by the following command:

$ cd B02
$ sh

which installs (and updates) the conda environment, necessary to open AmoePy. After installing AmoePy succesfully, the graphical user interface should open.

Now, AmoePy can be also opened by the shell script B02/

$ cd B02
$ sh

B02/ does not check whether the underlying conda environment is installed correctly. Therefore, it opens AmoePy faster than B02/ (but only if the conda environment is correctly installed).

Alternative 3 (under development): Installation on Windows

You can install AmoePy by double-clicking on the batch file

  • B02\install.bat (Windows).

A terminal window should open which installs or updates the conda environment in order to install necessary python packages for AmoePy. If it asks for permission to overwrite packages, type y.

Also, a desktop icon is created, which is a copy of the shortcut B02\AmoePy_Windows. After installing AmoePy succesfully, the graphical user interface should open.

Afterwards, you can easily open AmoePy by double-clicking on

  • the desktop icon Desktop\AmoePy, or
  • the shortcut B02\AmoePy_Windows, or
  • the file B02\amoepy.bat.

B02\amoepy.bat does not check whether the underlying conda environment is installed correctly. Therefore, it opens AmoePy faster than B02\install.bat (but only if the conda environment is correctly installed).

<a name="gui"></a>Starting AmoePy's Graphical User Interface

Recommended: Starting AmoePy GUI via conda command lines (Windows, MacOS, Linux)

In order to open the graphical user interface of <b>AmoePy</b>, go to B02/src and use one of the following commands:

$ conda activate AmoePy
$ python -m run.run_amoepy


$ conda activate AmoePy
$ python3 -m amoepy.gui.amoepygui

If the command python3 is not defined/found, try using the command python instead.

The graphical user interface will then be opened by the run script B02/src/run/ or by the file B02/src/amoepy/gui/

Alternative 1 (under development): Starting AmoePy GUI on MacOS

Open AmoePy by clicking on B02/

Alternative 2 (under development): Starting AmoePy GUI via shell scripts (MacOS, Linux)

Open AmoePy by running the shell script B02/

$ cd B02
$ sh

Alternative 3 (under development): Starting AmoePy GUI on Windows

Open AmoePy by double-clicking on

  • the desktop icon Desktop\AmoePy, or
  • the shortcut B02\AmoePy_Windows, or
  • the file B02\amoepy.bat.

<a name="article"></a>Generating Article Plots

<b> In order to create all article plots, the folder b02-data must be saved in the same parent directory as B02. </b>

All plots are generated by the following python script

Therefore, go to B02/src and use

$ python -m run.run_plos_figures


$ python3 -m run.run_plos_figures

All plots will be saved in B02/src/plots.

For this script, it is necessary to install ffmpeg in /usr/local/bin in order to generate videos of example cell tracks. Alternatively, customized ffmpeg paths can be chosen in the graphical user interface of AmoePy.

Otherwise, the cell track will be saved as a collection of *.png files only.

<a name="kymograph"></a>Generating Kymograph Data

The kymograph data is already saved in several subdirectories in b02-data/experiment_data_maike.

However, the kymograph files can be generated by the python script

Therefore, go to B02/src and use

$ python -m run.run_create_kymographs


$ python3 -m run.run_create_kymographs

<a name="test"></a>Generating Test Case Data

The kymograph data is already saved in several subdirectories in b02-data/test_cases.

However, the test case data can be generated by the python script

Therefore, go to B02/src and use

$ python -m run.run_test_cases


$ python3 -m run.run_test_cases