Colletes collaris Dours, 1872

(Figs 34B, 35A–F, 41A, 47C, 48D)

Colletes collaris Dours, 1872: 296 (type material destroyed: France, Cannes; Algeria; Greece, islands).

878, 2012: 449; Proshchalykin et al. 2004: 158; Ignatenko 2004: 109; Quest 2009: 119; Proshchalykin & Quest 2009: 239; Kuhlmann & Proshchalykin 2011: 20, 2013a: 436, 2013b: 265, 2014: 228; Proshchalykin & Kuhlmann 2012: 289, 2015b: 340, 2015c: 16; Niu et al. 2013a: 178, 2014b: 478; Zenz et al. 2021: 107; Ascher & Pickering 2021.

Colletes incerta Radoszkowski, 1891: 252 (syntype ♂: Russia, Vladivostok [ISEAPAS]).

Colletes frigidus Pérez, 1903: 227–228 (syntypes ♀ and ♂: France, Eaux Bonnes; Spain, Barcelona; Mongolia [MNHN]).

Andrena riukiuensis Matsumura, 1926: 69 (lectotype ♂ designated by Kuhlmann 1999: 75: Japan, Okinawa [EIHU]).

Diagnosis. The combination of malar area 0.5× as long as basal width of mandible, mesoscutum with mostly paleorange hairs and tegula dark-brown to black can be used to differentiate females of C. collaris from those of the other Tibetan species of Colletes, except C. bischoffi, but the former are distinct in having the malar area 0.5× as long as basal width of mandible (malar area 0.75× as long as basal width of mandible in C. bischoffi) and the supraclypeal C. bischoffi, but the former are different by having the combination of hind basitarsus 5.25× as long as broad (hind basitarsus 4.5× as long as broad in males of C. bischoffi) and S7 with apicolateral lobes narrower than gonobase (S7 lobes broader than gonobase in males of C. bhutanicus).

Material examined. Published recordsCHINA, Beijing: Bada Ling, 40.30 116.00, 450 m, 15.ix.1977, SF Wang, 2 ♂; 8.ix.1980, SF Wang, 1 ♂; 4.ix.1986, JG Fan, 1 ♀. Changping District, Liucun, Baiyanggou, 40.23 115.95, 850 m, 6.ix.2011, F Yuan, 4 ♀ 2 ♂. Changxindian, 39.80 116.20, 50 m, 5.ix.1959, coll. unknown, 1 ♀. Miaofeng Shan, 40.00 116.00, 320 m, 30.ix.1957, MH Wang, 1 ♂. Qinlongqiao, 40.30 116.00, 530 m, 7.ix.1982, Zhu Ji, 1 ♀; 3.ix.1988, HL Xu, 1 ♀ 1 ♂; 5.ix.1988, HL Xu, 6 ♀ 1 ♂. San Pu, 40.30 116.00, 19.ix.1974, YS Shi, 10 ♀; 23.vii.1975, YS Shi, 1 ♀. Hebei: Wuling Shan, 40.40 117.40, 520 m, viii.1974, coll. unknown, 1 ♂. Heilongjiang: Da Hinggan Ling, Daxiangshu, 51.70 126.60, 200 m, 18.vii.1970, coll. unknown, 1 ♀. Harbin, 45.70 126.60, 160 m, 20.viii.1955, coll. unknown, 1 ♂; 11.viii.1970, coll. unknown, 1 ♂. Mishan, 45.50 131.80, 130 m, 12.viii.1970, coll. unknown, 1 ♂. Tongjiang, 47.60 132.50, 50 m, 11.viii.1970, coll. unknown, 2 ♂. Yichun Wuyiling, 48.50 129.40, 400 m, 28.viii.1970, ZX Cheng, 1 ♂. Inner Mongolia: Alxa Zuoqi, 38.80 105.70, 1600 m, 18.ix.1987, LZ Zhang, 1 ♀. Dong Ujimqin, 45.50 117.00, 850 m, 18.viii.1971, YW Zhang, 1 ♂. Xilin Gol Meng, 43.80 116.00, 1100 m, 22.vii.1971, YW Zhang, 1 ♂; 16.viii.1979, JP Liu & YL Cheng, 1 ♀; 18.viii.1979, YL Chen, 1 ♂. Jiangxi: Guling, 29.50 115.90, 130 m, 13.ix.1934, O Piel, 1 ♂. Qinghai: Yushu Xian, 33.00 99.00, 3800 m, 12.viii.1964, SY Wang, 1 ♀; 26.viii.1964, SY Wang, 1 ♂. Sichuan: Barkam, 31.90 102.20, 2900 m, 22.viii.1983, RQ Wang, 1 ♂. Batang, Yidun, 30.30 99.30, 3470 m, 16.viii.1982, SY Wang, 2 ♂. Wan Xian, 30.80 108.30, 1200 m, 29.ix.1994, J Chen, 1 ♂. Wenchuan, Yingxiu, 31.00 103.50, 1100 m, 16.ix.1983, XZ Zhang, 1 ♂. Wushan Xian, Liziping, 31.00 109.80, 1850 m, 29.ix.1994, SM Sun, 1 ♀. Yajiang, 30.00 101.00, 3300 m, 25.vii.1982, XZ Zhang, 1 ♂. Xizang: Bomi, 29.80 95.70, 700 m, 2.ix.1983, YH Han, 1 ♂. Linzhi Xian, 29.66 94.35, 3000 m, 9.viii.1983, YH Han, 1 ♀. Linzhi Xian, Beach of Niyang River, 29.63 94.36, 2985 m, 26.viii.2012, ZQ Niu, 5 ♂; 27.viii.2012, ZQ Niu, 4 ♂. Linzhi Xian, Ecological Research Institute of Xizang Plateau, 29.66 94.35, 3000 m, 23.viii.2008, ZH Pan, 2 ♀; 10.ix.2008, ZH Pan, 5 ♀ 2 ♂; 18.ix.2008, ZH Pan, 6 ♀ 3 ♂; 22.ix.2008, ZH Pan, 1 ♂; 13.x.2008, ZH Pan, 3 ♀ 1 ♂; 20.x.2008, ZH Pan, 4 ♀; 27.x.2008, ZH Pan, 1 ♀. Mainling Xian, Jiage, 29.20 94.10, 3000 m, 20.ix.1974, FS Huang, 3 ♂. Mainling Xian, Paiqu, 29.50 94.80, 3000 m, 20.vii.1983, YH Han, 1 ♀. Markam Xian, Haitong, 29.60 98.50, 3500 m, 12.viii.1982, SY Wang, 1 ♀. Zhag’yab Xian, Gyitang, 30.70 97.30, 3200 m, 14.ix.1976, YH Han, 1 ♀. Yunnan: Dêqên, 28.66 98.90, 3300 m, 28.viii.1981, XZ Zhang, 1 ♂. Dêqên, Baimangxueshandongpo, 28.70 98.90, 3300 m, 28.viii.1981, XZ Zhang, 1 ♀ 1 ♂. Dêqên Xian, 28.50 98.90, 3300 m, 2.ix.1981, XZ Zhang, 1 ♀. Dêqên Xian, Adong, 28.50 98.90, 2700 m, 9.v.1981, SY Wang, 1 ♀. Lanping, 26.24 99.12, 2350 m, 25.viii.1984, JG Fan, 1 ♂; 27.viii.1984, RQ Wang, 1 ♂. Lanping Xian, 26.24 99.12, 2350 m, 22.viii.1984, JG Fan, 1 ♂; 24.viii.1984, JG Fan, 1 ♂. Lijiang, Yulongshan, 27.10 100.30, 2700 m, 11.viii.1979, ZP Ling, 1 ♀. Xiaozhongdian, 27.50 99.80, 3200 m, 2.viii.1982, JG Fan, 1 ♂; 2.viii.1984, SY Wang, 1 ♂. Zhongdian Xian, 27.70 99.70, 3250 m, 22.viii.1981, SY Wang, 1 ♀. Zhongdian Xian, Daxueshan, 24.10 99.60, 4000 m, 14.viii.1981, XZ Zhang, 2 ♀ 1 ♂.

New recordsCHINA, Inner Mongolia: Inner Mongolia, Huhehaote, Qingshan Mountain, 40.9879 111.8388, 1017 m, 23.viii.2017, D Zhang & QT Wu, 1 ♀ 1 ♂. Xizang: Chayu County, Cawarong Township, 5km E of Mengza Village, 28.3412 98.1922, 3321 m, 10.ix.2014, QT Wu, 7 ♂. Chayu County, Zhowagoin Town, Sangjiu Village, Mingqi, 28.4853 97.3633, 3647 m, 31.viii.2014, QT Wu, 2 ♀ 1 ♂. Linzhi, Bomi, Yigong, Road S 305, 30.2425 94.8549, 2207 m, 2.viii.2017, D Zhang & QT Wu, 1 ♀ 1 ♂.

Distribution. Widely distributed in the Palaearctic region, ranging from Spain to as far east as Japan.

DNA barcode. Available (1 ♀ and 3 ♂). See also Fig. 1 and Table 1.

Floral hosts. Compositae: Dendranthema lavandulifolium (fischer ex Trautv.) Kitam.; Resedaceae: Reseda sp.; Tamaricaceae: Tamarix chinensis Lour.

Remarks. In their synopsis of the C. succinctus group of China, Niu et al. (2013a) noted that populations of C. collaris of Spain and northeastern China are virtually indistinguishable from each other morphologically, although the authors found significant morphological differences (including the shape of the male S7) in specimens from Sichuan and Yunnan. This led them to suggest that the populations from southern China could be from a separate cryptic species, but in the absence of supporting DNA barcodes, a single species was recognized nonetheless. Unfortunately, there were no additional DNA-grade specimens of C. collaris from either Sichuan or Yunnan available for us to sequence, even though newly-barcoded specimens from Beijing and southeastern Xizang (~2,300 the one found in the western Palaearctics (where the type localities are located), it is safe to conclude that the species illustrated and keyed out in this paper corresponds to the actual C. collaris, regardless of whether multiple cryptic species will be recognized in the future.