Enicospilus apocalypticus Johansson sp. nov.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 09C1B136-F4CB-435C-A220-0912DE634FF1

Figs 4A–G.

Holotype: IRAN: ♀, Khorasan Province, Dareh-Gaz, Tandureh, Cheshme-Rajabeh, 9 Sep. 1993, 1050 m. a. s., Ebra. / Badii leg. (HMIM)

Type depository: Holotype stored in HMIM

Etymology: The name is to be treated as a noun and refers to the worrying situation for global biodiversity during the time of the description.

Diagnosis: A very distinct species based on the narrow face in combination with the single alar sclerite. Similar to Enicospilus peri Johansson sp. nov., but with narrower face and temples and fewer and stouter flagellomeres.

Description: Male unknown. Fore wing length 10 mm. Body length 15 mm. Number of flagellomeres 47. Mandible small and strongly twisted with upper tooth about two × as long as lower tooth. First flagellomere quite stout, about 4.0 × as long as apically wide. Mid and preapical flagellomeres stout about 1.2 × as long as wide (Fig. 4D). Face very narrow in anterior view (Fig. 4B). Temples strongly narrowed, in lateral view about 0.2 × the width of compound eye. Lateral ocelli touching inner margin of compound eye (Fig. 4C). Clypeus flat in lateral view. Mesoscutum strongly polished with very dense irregular puncture. Mesopleuron closely punctate, rugulose with weak transverse striation. Epicnemial carina ventrally complete, sinuate. Scutellum with lateral carinae, its surface polished with dense punctures. Proximal sclerite entirely pigmented, triangular. Central and distal sclerite absent. Propodeum with transverse carina weak, anterior of the carina polished wihout punctures, posterior to the carina entirely transversely reticulate-rugulose (Fig. 4G). Hind femur narrow, about 8.0 × longer than wide. Hind tarsal claws pectinate (Fig. 4F).

Colouration: Uniformly testaceous (Fig. 4A). Inner and outer orbits widely pale. Mandibular teeth black. Ovipositor sheath testaceous, concolourous with the metasomal segments. Forewing veins and pterostigma testaceous.