Subgenus Ashima Chen, 2011

Ashima Chen in Cao et al., 2011: 682 (as subgenus of Phortica); Gong et al., 2018: 438. Type species: Phortica xyleboriphaga Senior-White, 1921.

Diagnosis. Projections at anterolateral corners of the cibarium longer than 1/2 width of cibarial, anterior margin (ch.10-1; Fig. 2C); mid-dorsally constricted epandrium (ch.29-1; Figs 3B,D, 4B, 6D, 7E, 8G, 9F); less sclerotized, broad lobe-like surstylus (ch.34-1; Figs 3E, 4B, 5C, 6D, 7E, 9F); hypandrium with a pair of anterolateral, inward extensions articulated to base of pregonite (ch.42-1; Figs 3C,F, 4D, 5E, 6G, 7F, 8J, 9I).

Shared characters. Characters described as commonly seen across this subgenus (the Phortica foliiseta species complex at that time) by Chen et al. (2005b) are not repeated here. Occipital setae on lower portion shorter than postocular setae (ch.2-0; Figs 7A, 9A). Pedicel with only 1 thick seta (ch.4-0; Figs 2A, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7C, 8A, 9B). Clypeus medially pale (ch.8-1; Fig. 8F). Lateral membrane of proboscis scale-like patterned (ch.13-1; Fig. 2D). Prominent postpronotal seta 1. Epandrium not extended at anteroventral corner (ch.30-1; Figs 3D, 4B, 6D, 7E, 8G, 9F). Surstylus completely or largely covered with epandrium (ch.36-1; Figs 4B, 7E, 8G, 9F), with pubescence (ch.38-0; Figs 3E, 4B, 5C, 6D, 7E). Cercus longer than twice of width (ch.39-0; Figs 3B,D, 4B, 5C, 6D, 7E, 8G, 9F). Pregonite articulated to tip of aedeagal guide (ch.54-1; Figs 3G, 4I, 5G, 6E, 7G, 8D, 9C), without sensilla on apical portion (ch.51-0; Figs 3G,H, 4C, 5D, 6E, 7G, 8I, 9G). Phallapodeme vertically flat plate, with posterior, rod-like process apically articulated to aedeagal median rod (ch.60,61-1; Figs 3G,H, 4C, 5D, 6E, 7G, 8I). Aedeagal sheath with more or less sclerotized postgonite(s) (ch.64-1; Figs 3 F–H, 4D, 5D,E, 6F,H, 7F, 8I–K, 9G–I).

Key. The digital, multiple-entry key “ Ashima (Diptera: Drosophilidae: Phortica)” to all species of this subgenus has been constructed largely based on the character matrix of Appendix 1, and its database package including software instructions is available from the following website: h2T33kZn7I2ro8YGGX0.