27.Polydesma umbricola Boisduval,

Faun. Ent. Madag., Lep., 108, pf. 13,

fig. 5, 1833; Hampson, Fauna Brit. India, Moths 2: 468, 1894.

Ritidian Point, April 22, Bryan; Piti, May 2, 10 moths issued from 'numerous pupae under bark of dead Pithecolobium dulce, Usinger; Piti, Aug. 26, Oct. 24, Nov. 5, at light, Swezey. One in U. S. National Museum, Fullaway, 1911.

Widely distributed in west and south Africa, Madagascar, India, Ceylon, Burma, Andaman Islands, and Society Islands. Now recorded for the first time in Guam, where it is now quite common. We never found its caterpillar, so did not learn of its food plant. The finding of pupae under bark of Pithecolobium would seem to indicate that the caterpillars had fed on that tree, yet they may have sought that. location only as a safe place for making their cocoons.