Psylla (s.l.) magnifera Kuwayama

Psylla magnifera Kuwayama 1908, p 170; Oshanin 1912, p 127; Aulmann 1913, p 19; Sasaki 1954, p 34; Miyatake 1963, p 334; Klimaszewski 1973, p 213; Konovalova 1988, p 517. Type locality: Japan (Hokkaido).

This species has never been recorded from Japan with additional specimens after the original description, but it has been recorded from Russian Far East (Sakhalin Island) (Konovalova 1988). It is regrettable that I was not able to find the syntypes (a male and a female) of this species in the Kuwayama’s psylloid collection in SEHU on 2 July 2001. The confirmation of the existence of the syntypes is absolutely essential for the stability of the scientific name of this species. According to the descriptions of P. magnifera by Kuwayama (1908) and Miyatake (1963), the antennae are more than threefold as long as the width of the head (a key character for the genus Psylla s.s.), but the female terminalia are shorter than the rest of the abdomen. Nymphs are unknown. No material was examined so this species is placed in Psylla (s.l.) for the present.

Distribution. Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu), Russian Far East (Sakhalin Island).

Host plant. Alnus japonica (Thunb.) Steud. (Betulaceae) (Sasaki 1954).