Antygopora Maletz & Bruton, 2005

Antygopora Maletz & Bruton, 2005: 713.

TYPE SPECIES. — Antygopora ordovicica Maletz & Bruton, 2005 (Maletz & Bruton 2005: 715, fig. 2a-d, 3, 4, 5b, 6b).

AGE AND LOCATION OF TYPE MATERIAL. — Uppermost Lower Ordovician, Spitsbergen (Svalbard).

TAXON CODE. — 234.

STATUS. — Valid.

DIAGNOSIS. — “Spherical radiolarians with two cortical tests, formed by a typical thin layer pierced by round pores with elevated rims and ornamented on the surface with distinct connecting ridges forming a honeycomb pattern; internal spicule and spines apparently lacking.” (Maletz & Bruton 2005: 713).