genus Majialandrevus He gen. nov.

Type species: Majialandrevus dingguo He sp. nov.

Include species: type only.

Diagnosis. The new genus differs from other genera by a combination of the following characters: short forewings, but slightly longer than pronotum (Fig. 2A); with only outer tympanum (Fig. 2D); blunt distal parts of the male genitalia, absent of medial lobes of epiphallus, ectoparamere membranous; abdomen pubescent with cercus long. The ratio of the forewing lengths to the pronotal lengths is 1.19–1.22, which is most similar to 1.29 of Apiotarsoides Chopard, 1931. However, its structures of the male genitalia differ from Apiotarsoides, and other similar genera, such as Duolandrevus Kirby, 1906, Vasilia Grochov, 1988, Ectodrelanva Grochov, 2000 from adjacent areas in lacking ramus.

Etymology. The genus name majia- is for the Chinese phonetic alphabet Ḽm, which means a style of Chinese clothing like a waistcoat. It is used to emphasize its short forewing.