Published August 13, 2021 | Version v1
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Scholastic Theology [470]


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2587. Size 8 in. by 6 in.; foll. 172. Eleven lines in a page.

A collection of religious treatises, bearing a remarkable resemblance to Cat. Mus. Brit. 393, DCCCLXXI.

  1. Foll. 2-21. A Commentary (ممزوج) on Samarḳandî’s Catechism (see no. 381), by an unknown author. It Is entitled بهجة العلوم فی شرح فی بیان (!) عقیدة الاصول, being the same as Cat. Mus. Brit., l.c., ii.

  2. Foll. 22-54. A Commentary (ممزوج) on the “Sixty Questions” of Aḥmad b. al-‘Abbâs, the ascetic, concerning the religious duties of the Shâfi’ites. The commentator is not named. The same work is to be found in Cat. Mus. Brit., l.c., ii.

  3. Foll. 54v.-86, Articles of Faith, with a Commentary, both blended together, and apparently by the same author. Entitled المفتاح فی شرح معرفة الاسلام. Cf. Cat. Mus. Brit., l.c., v.

Ends: تمت المسمی کتاب محتاح (!) اعْ سڤت اعْ عصر ثبت الله ایمانه فی الدنیا و الآخرة الخ.

  1. Foll. 86v.-98. A treatise in Javanese, bound upside down.

  2. Foll. 98v.-130. A logical demonstration of the principal articles of faith, the same as Mus. Brit., l.c., vi. The author is not mentioned.

Ends: و تمت دین جمعه ڤن ڤن.

  1. Foll. 130v.-170. Muḥammad b. ‘Omar b. Ibrâhîm TILIMSÂNÎ’S Commentary (ممزوج) on the Articles of Faith by Muḥammad b. Yûsuf Sanûsî (d. A.H. 895), the same as Mus. Brit., l.c., vii.

Ends: تمت تم الکتاب المسمی یالابا التلمسانی فی ثلث فی وقت عشر فی (!).

Indifferently written, with frequent interlinear notes in Javanese written in the Arabic character. The vacant leaves are filled with various notes and scribblings.



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