Figures 120, 121
Diagnostic description. Length 1.3–1.6 mm; greatest width 1.1–1.3 mm. Shining, with faint iridescence; color yellowish brown to dark brown, venter and appendages paler. Punctation fine and sparse. Eyes large. Wings fully developed. Pre-apical process of posterior margin of metafemur elongate and apically acute, apical process smaller and triangular. Aedeagus (Fig. 120, 121) evenly, rounded curved dorsoventrally; inverted internal sac with scattered small spines and two dense clusters of large spines apically.
Type material. Holotype, male, with the following label data: “ CUBA: Santiago Prov. / Gran Piedra, Met. Radar/ 6–17.XII.95, 1100m / elfin for. FIT/ S. Peck, 95-76” (SBPC). Paratypes (10): with same data as holotype (1, SBPC); Gran Piedra, Isabelica, 7–17.XII.95, 1100m, elfin forest FITs, S. Peck, 95-84 (8, SBPC); Santiago Prov., Santiago, Jardin Botanico, 5–17.XII.95, 5m, disturb. for. FITs, S. Peck, 95-74 (1, SBPC).
Distribution. Known only from Cuba.
Etymology. The epithet cubensis (Cuba + the Latin suffix –ensis, locality) refers to the occurrence of this species on Cuba.