Serratacosa medogensis gen. et sp. nov. 734E2179-3E8D-4E2A-9AB7-D3947CC7F01B

Figs 1–3, 6


This new species most closely resembles S. multidontata (Qu, Peng & Yin, 2010) (Figs 4–5), but differs from the latter by the following characters. Lateral projection of the median apophysis with a blunt end, slightly touching lateral edge of cymbium in the new species (Figs 1C–D, 2A–B, 3C–F), whereas distal end truncate, almost overlapping lateral edge of cymbium in ventral view in S. multidontata (Figs 4A– B, 5C–F). Septum wider than long and spermathecal heads spherical with fine spermathecal stalks in the new species (Figs 2C–D, 3G–H), whereas septum longer than wide and spermathecal heads oval with thick spermathecal stalks in S. multidontata (Figs 4C–D, 5G–H).


The specific epithet refers to the type locality ‘Medog’ (‘Ḅü’ in Chinese); noun in apposition.

Type material

Holotype CHINA • ; Tibet, Medog County, Beibeng Township; 29°14.376′ N, 95°10.675′ E; alt. 894 m; 23 May 2019; L.Y. Wang, P. Liu, T. Yuan and H. Wang leg.; SWUC-T-LY-12-01.

Paratypes CHINA • 6 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀; same collection data as for holotype; SWUC-T-LY-12-02 to 12-10 • 4 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀; Medog County; 29°19.470′ N, 95°19.618′ E; alt. 1116 m; 22 May 2019; L.Y. Wang, P. Liu, T. Yuan and H. Wang leg.; SWUC-T-LY-12-11 to 12-17 • 3 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀; Medog County, Medog Town, Yarang Village; 29°17.758′ N, 95°16.827′ E; alt. 761 m; 22 May 2019; L.Y. Wang, P. Liu, T. Yuan and H. Wang leg.; SWUC-T-LY-12-18 to 12-22 • 4 ♂♂, 1 ; Medog County, Beibeng Township; 29°14.866′ N, 95°11.022′ E; alt. 924 m; 23 May 2019; L.Y. Wang, P. Liu, T. Yuan and H. Wang leg; SWUC-T-LY-12-23 to 12-27 • 4 ♂♂, 1 ; Medog County; 29°19.470′ N, 95°19.618′ E; alt. 1116 m; 23 May 2019; L.Y. Wang, P. Liu, T. Yuan and H. Wang leg.; SWUC-T-LY-12-28 to 12-32 • 1 ; Medog County, Medog Town, Yarang Village; 29°17.758′ N, 95°16.827′ E; alt. 761 m; 28 Jun. 2018; L.Y. Wang, Z.S. Wu and Y.N. Mu leg.; SWUC-T-LY-12-33 • 4 ♀♀; Medog County, Beibeng Township; 29°14.376′ N, 95°10.675′ E; alt. 894 m; 28 Jun. 2018 L.Y. Wang, Z.S. Wu and Y.N. Mu leg.; SWUC-T-LY-12-34 to 12-37 • 1 ; Medog County; 29°19.470′ N, 95°19.618′ E; alt. 1116 m; 28 Jun. 2018; L.Y. Wang, Z.S. Wu and Y.N. Mu leg; SWUC-T-LY-12-38.


Male (holotype, Fig. 3A)

MEASUREMENTS. Total length 9.03. Carapace 5.13 long, 3.69 wide; opisthosoma 4.09 long, 2.68 wide. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME = 0.21, ALE = 0.17, PME = 0.49, PLE = 0.39; AME–AME = 0.11, AME–ALE = 0.09, PME–PME = 0.32, PME–PLE = 0.35. Clypeus height 0.16.

LEG MEASUREMENTS. I = 13.35 (3.81, 4.33, 3.01, 2.20); II = 12.75 (3.55, 4.33, 2.95, 1.92); III = 11.82 (3.33, 3.65, 3.11, 1.73); IV = 16.98 (4.50, 4.84, 5.26, 2.38).

MALE PEDIPALP (Figs 1, 2A–B, 3C–F). Subtegulum distinct in ventral view, located baso-prolaterally. Embolus slender and slightly sinuous. Conductor small and membranous. Median apophysis serrated, ventral surface with semicircular protruding lobe, strongly sclerotized, dorsal surface with oval sclerite. Terminal apophysis strong twisted, distal end grooved.

Female (SWUC-T-LY-12-02, Fig. 3B)

MEASUREMENTS. Total length 12.36. Carapace 6.65 long, 4.49 wide; opisthosoma 6.06 long, 3.69 wide. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME = 0.28, ALE = 0.21, PME = 0.58, PLE = 0.48; AME–AME = 0.19, AME–ALE = 0.10, PME–PME = 0.43, PME–PLE = 0.44. Clypeus height 0.28.

LEG MEASUREMENTS. I = 14.82 (4.34, 4.88, 3.20, 2.40); II = 14.17 (4.06, 4.79, 3.14, 2.18); III = 13.57 (3.84, 4.22, 3.43, 2.08); IV = 19.17 (4.98, 6.01, 5.59, 2.59).

EPIGYNE (Figs 2C–D, 3G–H). Epigyne with inverted T-shaped septum, median part wider than long. Copulatory openings located on shoulders of septum. Spermathecal heads large and spherical, with several small buds. Spermathecal stalks short, curved. Fertilization ducts hook-like.


China (Tibet, Medog County) (Fig. 6).