Anthomyza gracilis Fallén, 1823

Material examined. RUSSIA: Wൾඌඍ Sංൻൾඋංൺ: Bashikiria: Beloretsk distr., Abzakovo env., Kulsugady river, 53.83795°N 58.5823°E, 531 m, 17.vii.2015, 6 JJ, D. Gavryushin leg. (ZMUM, 1 J genit. prep.); Altai: Shebalinskiy rayon, s. Cheroga, 51°33.545ʹN 85°38.344ʹE, 575 m, lug na SV sklone [= meadow on NE slope], 25., 28.vii.2008, 3 ♀♀ (1 ♀ genit. prep.); Altai: Shebalinskiy rayon, dol. r. Peschanaya, mezhdu sel. Il’inka i Bagarash, 51°57.202ʹN 86°22.881ʹE, 29.vii.2008, 2 ♀♀; Altai: Chojskiy rayon, dol. r. Isha, mezhdu sel. Paspaul i Levinka, 51°57.202ʹN 86°22.881ʹE, 322 m, 26.vii.2008, 1 ♀ (genit.prep.), all O. E. Kosterin leg. (all ZMUM); Krasnoyarsk, 70 km W st. Kryuchkovo, 14.–23.vii.2009, 3 JJ 1♀ (2JJ 1♀ genit. prep.); Krasnoyarsk, E bank,‘Stoby’ Res. env., riv. Laletina, 55.963°N 92.738°E, 208 m, Padus & shrubs near stream, 24.–26.vii.2009, 1 J (genit. prep.), all K. Tomkovich leg. (all ZMUM). Eൺඌඍ Sංൻൾඋංൺ: Irkutskaya oblast: Kultuk village, W end of Baikal lake, 51°43ʹ36ʺN 103°43ʹ08ʺE, 428 m, meadow, swamp and ruderal area, Rhinanthus present, swept and emptied in eclector, Ru2177, 22.vii.2016, 2 ♀♀, M. von Tschirnhaus leg. (SMOC, in pure ethanol); Buryatskaya oblast: shore of Baikal lake, 1.5 km NNE Vydrino, E river Suezhnaya, walked eastwards until 51°28ʹ13ʺN 104°40ʹ32ʺE, 457 m, sandy shore, shore wall,adjoining lagoons and swamps, Eleocharis (dominant), Comarum, Ranunculus, Phalaris, Triglochin palustre, Halerpesthes ruthenica, Butomus umbellatus, Sium suave, Phragmites, Scirpus [=Schoenoplectus] tabernaemontani, swept and filled in eclector, Ru2178, 23.vii.2016, 3 JJ 1 ♀; Buryatskaya oblast: Tunkinsky district, 149 km W Lake Baikal, western bank of river Khalagun, 0.4 km N road no. A164 (A333), 0.6 km W of its river mouth in river Irkut, 51°38ʹ09ʺN 101°33ʹ18ʺE, 909 m, very diverse vegetation (for list see diary), swept and filled in eclector, Ru2185, 6.viii.2016, 4 JJ 4♀♀, all M. von Tschirnhaus leg. (all ZSMC).

Distribution. Another transpalaearctic species, widespread in the northern and temperate belts of the Palaearctic Region. It is also frequently encountered in the E. Palaearctic area, having been recorded from Russia (West and East Siberia, Far East) and North Korea (RඈIJගඹൾκ 2006, 2009). However, the records from easternmost Asia are rather scarce (two records from Amurskaya oblast, several from Kamchatka, and a single record from North Korea).