Oxypoda convergens Casey


Origin Nearctic

Distribution Canada: AB, LB, MB, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC. USA: IA, MO, NY

New provincial Canada: Manitoba: Moose Lake, 2016-IX-19, 49.2018°N, 95.3423°W, 353 m, record mushroom, sifting, B. Godin & D. Horwood (BGC) 1 female.

References Casey 1893, Klimaszewski et al. 2011, 2018

Collection and habitat data. Habitat (outside of the study area). In various forest types including white spruce, mature black spruce, red spruce, mature 50-year-old balsam fir, oak, maple, yellow birch/ balsam fir white pine forests, red oak forests, mixed forests, and old eastern white cedar forest; often very common in decaying gilled mushrooms in the above forest habitats, especially those dominated hardwoods. Also in riparian habitats, and a meadow with Salix shrubs. Several collected from decaying corncobs and cornhusks. Collecting period. V–XI (most common in August and September). Collecting method. Unbaited and carrion-baited pitfall traps, processing forest litter through Berlese funnels, Luminoc pitfall-light traps, Lindgren traps, intercept traps, and treading leaf litter at the edge of a pond, sifting decaying mushrooms.