
Ampullaria avellana Lamarck, 1822 a: 179. Type material —location unknown [not listed in MNHG (Mermod 1952: 97)]. Type locality —“la Nouvelle-Zelande ”.

Remarks. Amphibolidae Gray; placed in their new genus Ampullacera by Quoy & Gaimard (1832: 196) and Deshayes & Milne Edwards (1838: 539) and in Amphibola Schumacher by Martens (1857: 205) and as a synonym of Amphibola crenata (Martyn) by Golding et al. (2007: 7). See Cowie & Thiengo (2003: 57–58) for avellana G.B. Sowerby III (Ampullariidae), which is a junior primary homonym.


Ampullaria borealis Valenciennes, 1832: 260. Type material —location unknown [not found in MNHN (cf. Dance 1986: 229)]. Type locality —“ Saint-Pierre et Miquelon près de Terre-Neuve”. Remarks. Naticidae Guilding; synonym of Natica heros Say, teste Paetel (1887: 477), G.B. Sowerby III (1916: 70) and Walker (1918: 123).


Ampullaria crassa Deshayes, 1830 a: 32. Type material —location unknown. Type locality —“L’Ohio et de la plupart des rivières de l’Amérique septentrionale”.

Remarks. Viviparidae; synonym of Campeloma crassula Rafinesque, teste Clench (1962: 277). Junior primary homonym of crassa Swainson.


Paludina bengalensis, Lam., var. digona Blanford, 1869: 445. Type material —location unknown [not found in NHMUK or NMW (cf. Dance 1986: 205)]. Type locality —“in valle fluminis Iravadi circa Ava, Bhamo, &c.”.

Remarks. Paetel (1887: 478) placed it in Ampullaria, citing Hanley & Theobald (1874: 47; as “Theob.”), who listed it as Paludina Férussac. Viviparidae; synonym of Vivipara bengalensis race doliaris (Gould), teste Annandale & Sewell (1921: 273).