Round, elliptical to irregular colonies, 8.8–17.4 µm diam., 2–4–8 celled, forming packets. Sheath firm, hyaline, conspicuous, distinctly lamellate to non-lamellate, smooth. Cells spherical to hemispherical, 2.5–4.2 µm diam. Cell content homogeneous to slightly granulated, olive green to yellowish.
Habitat: —Dry wood and tree bark.
Notes: —The present population is different from C. varius in relation to habitat, since it was found on wood and it is typically described from rocks (Komárek & Anagnostidis 1998).
Studied material: — BRAZIL. São Paulo: São Luís do Paraitinga, State Park of “Serra do Mar” (Santa Virgínia), 23º 20’ 16” S, 45º 9’ 1” W, 22 February 2010, W.A. Gama-Jr. (SP 401420); 23º 20’ 12” S, 45º 8’ 44” W, 23 February 2010, W.A. Gama-Jr. (SP 401421); Cananéia, State Park of “Ilha do Cardoso” (Perequê), 25º 4’ 46” S, 47º 55’ 8” W, 29 June 2010, W.A. Gama-Jr. & C.F.S. Malone (SP 401441).