Munidopsis recta Baba, 2005

Munidopsis recta Baba, 2005: 178, fig. 85, 293 (key, synonymies, Gulf of Panama, 2950–3190 m). — Jones & Macpherson, 2007: 488 (East Pacific Rise, 2216–2791 m).

Type data: holotype, male, ZMUC CRU-11618.

Type locality: Gulf of Panama, 05°44´N, 79°20´W, 2950–3190 m.

Munidopsis regia Alcock & Anderson, 1894

Munidopsis regia Alcock & Anderson, 1894: 168 (Gulf of Mannar, 260–732 m). — Alcock & Anderson, 1895: pl. 11, fig. 1 (no record). — Baba, 1988: 160, fig. 63 (Off N Mindanao, E coast of Mindoro, vicinity of Marinduque off SW Luzon, 348–750 m). — Komai, 2000: 359 (list). — Baba, 2005: 293 (key, synonymies). — Macpherson, 2007: 96 (Philippines, 486–760 m).

Munidopsis triaena Alcock & Anderson, 1894: 168 (type locality: Andaman Sea, 439–686 m [syntypes, ZSIC 6261–6263/9]). — Alcock & Anderson, 1895: pl. 11, fig. 5 (no record).

Munidopsis (Galathodes) regia. — Alcock, 1901: 261 (Arabian Sea off Colombo and Andaman Sea, 260–741 m). — Doflein & Balss, 1913: 156, fig. 23 (W of Sumatra, 470–614 m). — Tirmizi, 1966: 228, fig. 39 (Maldives, 494 m).

Munidopsis (Galathodes) triaena. — Alcock, 1901: 261 (Bay of Bengal off Andaman coast, 439–686 m).

Type data: holotype, male, ZSIC 8815 /9.

Type locality: Gulf of Mannar, 260–732 m.

Munidopsis reynoldsi (A. Milne Edwards, 1880)

Galathodes Reynoldsi A. Milne Edwards, 1880: 56 (Frederickstadt, 4348 m).

Munidopsis Reynoldsi. — A. Milne Edwards & Bouvier, 1897a: 80, pl. 6, figs 1–5 (Caribbean Sea, Ham's Bluff, 4348 m).

Munidopsis reynoldsi. — Schmitt, 1935: 179 (key), 180 (no record). — Pequegnat & Pequegnat, 1971: 22 (Colombian Basin in Caribbean Sea, 4151 m). — Tavares & Campinho, 1998: 412, figs 1–4 (lectotype designation, off St Croix, Caribbean Sea, 4086–4277 m.

Type data: lectotype, female, MNHN Ga 288 (designation by Tavares & Campinho, 1998).

Type locality: “Blake” stn 138, off St Croix, Caribbean Sea, 4277 m.

Munidopsis riveroi Chace, 1939

Munidopsis riveroi Chace, 1939: 48 (north coast of Cuba, 659 m). — Chace, 1942: 93, figs 31, 32 (north coast of Cuba, 613–659 m). — Pequegnat & Pequegnat, 1970: 140 (key). — Pequegnat & Pequegnat, 1971: 6 (key), 21 (off Honduras, off Colombia, off Venezuela, Lesser Antilles, north of Haiti, 338–732 m). — Campos et al., 2005: 166, figs 133, 134 (Colombia, Caribbean Sea, 260–683 m). — Serejo et al., 2007: 140 (off Espírito Santo, Brazil, 450–599m).

Type data: holotype, male, MCZ 10230.

Type locality: Nicholas Channel N of Santa Clara Provigerous, Cuba, 659 m.

Munidopsis robusta (A. Milne Edwards, 1880)

Galathodes robusta A. Milne Edwards, 1880: 54 (Grenade, 291 m).

Munidopsis robusta. — A. Milne Edwards & Bouvier, 1894a: 275 (key). — A. Milne Edwards & Bouvier, 1897a: 69, pl. 6, figs 15–20, pl. 7, fig. 1 (Grenade, 291 m). — Young, 1900: 407 (key), 411. — Benedict, 1902: 277 (key), 325 (list). — Doflein & Balss, 1913: 175 (list), 178 (table). — Chace, 1942: 74 (key). — Springer & Bullis, 1956: 15 (no record). — Bullis & Thompson, 1965: 9. — Pequegnat & Pequegnat, 1970: 140 (key), 155, fig. 5.1 (northwest, southwest and northeast Gulf of Mexico, 458–824 m). — Pequegnat & Pequegnat, 1971: 6 (key). — Takeda, 1983: 94, with fig. (off Suriname and French Guiana).

Type data: holotype, ovigerous female, MCZ 6339.

Type locality: Grenade, 291 m.