Munida subcaeca Bouvier, 1922

Munida subcaeca Bouvier, 1922: 46 (off Tenerife, Madeira, 1340–1700 m). — Chace, 1942: 43, figs 17, 18 (north coast of Cuba, and off Hams Bluff, St Croix, 842–1061 m) — Zariquiey Álvarez, 1952b: 156 (key). — Baba & Türkay, 1992: 209 (off Madeira). — d’Udekem d’Acoz, 1999: 165 (compilation). — Boschi, 2000: 98 (list).

Munida microphthalma A. Milne Edwards, 1880: 51 (part) (Phare Morro, 1173 m).

Type data: syntypes (1 female, MNHN-Ga 949).

Type locality: off Tenerife, Madeira, 1340–1700 m.

Munida taenia Macpherson, 1994

Munida taenia Macpherson, 1994: 541, figs 55, 86 (New Caledonia and Chesterfield Islands, 200–400 m). — Baba, 2005: 275 (key, synonymies).

Type data: holotype, male, MNHN Ga 3120.

Type locality: New Caledonia, 23°20.6´S, 168°05.2´E, 260 m.

Munida tangaroa Ahyong, 2007

Munida tangaroa Ahyong, 2007: 38, figs 14E, 19 (W of Norfolk Island, 690–812 m).

Type data: holotype, ovigerous female, AM P73023.

Type locality: W of Norfolk Island, 28º51.21´S, 167º42.53´E, 690–812 m.

Munida tenella Benedict, 1902

Munida tenella Benedict, 1902: 274, fig. 20 (off St Josephs Island, Gulf of California, 71–130 m). — Luke, 1977: 29 (list, Gulf of California, 73–265 m). — Hendrickx, 1995: 559, fig. (no record). — Hendrickx & Harvey, 1999: 375 (list). — Hendrickx, 2000: 186, fig. 14 (Carmen Island, off Cape San Miguel, off Gorda Bank, Tiburon Island, off Tepoca Cape, off Estero Tastiota, off Rio Fuerte, off Santa Maria Bay, off Angel de la Guarda Island, 26–112 m). — Baba, 2005: 276 (key, synonymies).

Type data: c. 500 syntypes, USNM 20540.

Type locality: off St Josephs Island, Gulf of California, 130 m.

Munida tenuimana Sars, 1872

Munida tenuimana Sars, 1872: 257 (Norway). — Sars, 1877: 238, — Sars, 1883: 44, pl. 1, fig. 6. — Sars, 1890: 178 (larvae). — A. Milne Edwards, 1881b: 89. — A. Milne Edwards, 1881c: 55. — A. Milne Edwards, 1882: 38 (part). — A. Milne Edwards, 1883: 31, pl. 11. — Carus, 1885: 489 (no record). — Perrier, 1886: 52 (part). — Gourret, 1888: 31. — Appelloef, 1906: 139, pl. 2, fig. 2 (Boemmelen, Sognefjord, 350–450 m). — Hansen, 1908: 34, pl. 2, fig. 4a, pl. 3, fig. 1a (Davis Straits, west of Iceland, southwest of Iceland, southeast of Iceland, southwest of the Faroes). — Selbie, 1914: 77, pl. 11, figs 15, 16 (Ireland, 458–1455 m). — Dons, 1915: 84, figs 23, 27, 30, 33, pl. 2, fig. 11 (Norvegian coasts, 250–600 m). — Pesta, 1918: 265, fig. 82. — Huus, 1935: 8 (larvae). — Grieg, 1927: 30 (Norvegian coasts, 125–1100 m). — Stephensen, 1928: 10 (Faroe Islands, 115–1200 m). — Brinkmann, 1936: 14, pl. 5, fig. 18b. — Saemundsson, 1936: 125 (Iceland) — Saemundsson, 1937: 16 (Iceland). — Zariquiey Álvarez, 1952b: 158 (key), 197, fig. 6. — Miyake & Baba, 1970: 77 (Madeira, 300 m). Squires, 1970: 413, figs 220, 221 (compilation). — Rice & de Saint Laurent, 1986: 157, figs 1d, e, 2d, h, 3e, f (From Davis Strait, Iceland, Vestfjorden (Norway) to Spain and Portugal, Mediterranean Sea, Adriatic, 120–1460 m). — Abello et al., 1988: 44 (NW Mediterranean, 348–803 m). — Koukouras et al., 1992: 224 (list, Aegean Sea). — Cartes, 1993: 34 (NW Mediterranean, 862–1899 m). — García Raso, 1996: 738 (Atlantic coasts of Morocco, 543–1324 m). — Koukouras et al., 1998: 718 (Aegean Sea, no record). — d’Udekem d’Acoz, 1999: 165 (compilation). — Biagi et al., 2002: 234 (Tuscany and Latium coasts, NW Mediterranean). — Ingle & Christiansen, 2004: 136, figs 102, 105, 106, 112, 113b, 114e, 115d, f (compilation). — Politou et al., 2005: 237 (Ionian Sea, 518 m). — Fanelli et al., 2007: 22 (Italy, 501–600 m).

Munida perarmata A. Milne Edwards & Bouvier, 1894a: 257, 325 (type locality: Bay of Biscay). — A. Milne Edwards & Bouvier, 1899: 81. — A. Milne Edwards & Bouvier, 1900: 305, pl. 30, fig. 1 (syntype, USNM 22907, Bay of Biscay). — Bouvier, 1922: 44. — Bouvier, 1940: 173 (compilation). — Zariquiey Álvarez, 1952b: 156 (key) 207, fig. 7. — Zariquiey Álvarez, 1958: 101. — Zariquiey Álvarez, 1968: 288 (compilation). — Forest, 1965: 348. — Števcic, 1969: 129.

Type data: not found.

Type locality: Norway.