Uroptychus novaezealandiae Borradaile, 1916

Uroptychus novae-zealandiae Borradaile, 1916: 93, fig. 94 (off North Cape, New Zealand, 128 m). Uroptychus novaezealandiae. — Baba, 2005: 229 (synonymies, key).

Type data: holotype, female, BMNH 1917.1.29.117.

Type locality: off North Cape, New Zealand, 34º25´S, 173º10´E, 128 m.

Uroptychus occidentalis Faxon, 1893

Uroptychus nitidus occidentalis Faxon, 1893: 192 (Gulf of Panama, 838 m. — Faxon, 1895: 101, pl. 26, figs 1, 1a (Gulf of Panama, 838 m). — Hendrickx & Harvey, 1999: 375 (list).

Dubious identification:

Uroptychus occidentalis. — Bouvier, 1906: 480 (Japan).

Type data: 4 syntypes, 2 males, 2 ovigerous females, not located.

Type locality: Gulf of Panama, 07°31.30´N, 079°14.00´W, 838 m.

Baba (pers. obser.) examined the following material and found them different from U. nitidus: USNM 29170, “Albatross” stn 2818, NE of Indefatigable Island, Galapagos, 717 m, 15 Apr 1888 [between Santa Cruz and San Cristobal Islands, Galapagos Islands, 00°29´00”S, 89°54´30”W, 717 m], 22 males 4.0–10.4 mm, 23 ovigerous females 7.0–10.5 mm, 7 females 3.8–9.0 mm, on Chrysogorgia fruticosa (Studer).

Uroptychus occultispinatus Baba, 1988

Uroptychus granulatus var. japonicus Balss, 1913b: 25, fig. 18 (Sagami Bay). Miyake in Miyake & Nakazawa, 1947: 735, fig. 2124 (no record).

Uroptychus granulatus japonicus. — Parisi, 1917: 3 (Tokyo Bay).

Uroptychus occultispinatus Baba, 1988: 41, figs 14, 15 (between Siquijor and Bohol, 807 m [new name proposed for U. granulatus japonicus]). — Baba, 2005: 229 (synonymies, key).

Type data: syntypes, ZSM.

Type locality: Sagami Bay.

Uroptychus onychodactylus Tirmizi, 1964

Uroptychus onychodactylus Tirmizi, 1964: 411, figs 40–42 (Maldives, 786–1463 m). — Baba, 2005: 229 (synonymies, key).

Type data: holotype, ovigerous female, BMNH 1966.2.3.41.

Type locality: Maldives, “John Murray” stn 158, 786–1170 m.

Uroptychus oxymerus Ahyong & Baba, 2004

Uroptychus oxymerus Ahyong & Baba, 2004: 62–64, fig. 3 (North West Shelf, Australia, 184 m).

Type data: holotype, male, NMV J21040.

Type locality: North West Shelf, between Port Hedland and Dampier, Western Australia, Australia, 184 m.

Uroptychus paenultimus Baba, 2005

Uroptychus paenultimus Baba, 2005: 51, fig. 17, 229 (synonymies, key,).

Type data: holotype, ovigerous female, ZMUC CRU-11318.

Type locality: Kei Islands, 5°30´S, 132°35´E, 320 m.

Uroptychus paracrassior Ahyong & Poore, 2004

Uroptychus paracrassior Ahyong & Poore, 2004a: 66, fig. 19 (Queensland, 364–380 m). — Baba, 2005: 229 (synonymies, key).

Type data: holotype, ovigerous female, AM P31408.

Type locality: NE of Tweed Heads, 28°02–05´S, 153°57´E, 364 m.

Uroptychus parvulus (Henderson, 1885)

Diptychus parvulus Henderson, 1885: 420 (Straits of Magellan, 732 m).

Uroptychus parvulus. — Henderson, 1888: 177, pl. 21, figs 3, 3a (Sarmiento Channel, Chile, 732 m). — Haig, 1955: 31 (no record). — Baba, 2005: 229 (synonymies, key).

Type data: syntypes, BMNH 1888:33.

Type locality: Straits of Magellan, Sarmiento Channel, 51º27´30”S, 74º03´00”, 732 m.