53. Cnestus murayamai Schedl

Tosaxyleborus pallidipennis Murayama, 1950: 49.

Cnestus murayamai Schedl, 1962: 207. New name for C. pallidipennis Murayama nec Eggers 1940.

Thai distribution: C: Nakhon Nayok; N: Chiang Mai (Beaver & Browne 1975 as Cnestus aterrimus (Eggers), Nakhon Sawan; N-E: Nakhon Ratchasima; S: Chumphon, Nakhon Sri Thammarat.

New records: Chiang Mai, Doi Chiang Dao WS, Nature trail, 19° 24.278' N, 98° 55.311' E, 491 m, MT, 10–17.iii.2008 (Songkran & Apichart) (1); Doi Phahompok NP, Headquarters, 19° 57.961' N, 99° 9.355' E, 569 m, MT, 11–18.vii.2007, 7–14.ii., 21–28.ii.2008 (Seesom, K.) (3); Chumphon, Thung Tako Distr., 10° 26' 28.3'' N, 99° 04' 13.8'' E, 70 m, durian plantation, EtOH trap, 1.ii., 1.iii.2010 (W. Sittichaya) (3); Nakhon Nayok, Khao Yai NP, Valley at entrance of Huay Pak Chee, 14° 27.115' N, 101° 21.951' E, 733 m, MT, 12–19.xi.2006 (P. Sandao) (1); as previous except: Khao Keow spirit house, 14° 22.96' N, 101° 23.253' E, 750 m, pan trap, 7–8.ix.2006, 7–8.iii.2007 (W. Sook-kho, P. Sandao) (2); Nakhon Ratchasima, Khao Yai NP, Dong Ngu How area, 14° 28.524' N, 101° 22.928' E, 757 m, MT, 26.xii.2006 – 2.i.2007 (W. Sook-kho) (2); Nakhon Sawan, Mae Wong NP, Tha Ta Saeng, 15° 55.174' N, 99° 19.405' E, 168 m, MT, 8–15.x.2007 (Kaewkok N. & Saksit P.) (1); Nakhon Sri Thammarat, Khao Luang NP, headquarters, 08° 22' 21.6'' N, 99° 44' 14.7'' E, 196 m, EtOH trap, 15.viii.2010 (W. Sittichaya) (1).

Other distribution: Japan (including Ryukyu Is.), Korea, Taiwan. (1)

Taxonomy: The specimens recorded by Beaver and Browne (1975) from Cinnamomum (Lauraceae) as Cnestus aterrimus were misidentified.

Biology: The species has a preference for Lauraceae (Beaver & Liu 2010), but there is one record from Quercus (Fagaceae).

Illustrations: D (Nobuchi 1964, Nunberg 1972)