This Strobl_et_al_PHEN-0894_Complete_raw_data_DRYAD.txt file was generated on 2021-07-15 by Dr. Lars Straub


1. Title of Dataset: "No impact of neonicotinoids on male solitary bees Osmia cornuta under semi-field conditions".  

2. Author Information
	A. Principal Investigator Contact Information
		Name: Lars Straub
		Institution: Institute of Bee Health, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern
		Address: Schwarzenburgstrasse 161, 3097 Liebefeld, Bern, Switzerland

	B. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information
		Name: Verena Strobl
		Institution: Institute of Bee Health, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern
		Address: Schwarzenburgstrasse 161, 3097 Liebefeld, Bern, Switzerland

	C. Alternate Contact Information
		Name: Peter Neumann
		Institution: Institute of Bee Health, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern
		Address: Schwarzenburgstrasse 161, 3097 Liebefeld, Bern, Switzerland

3. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date):  Between September 2014 and May 2016

4. Geographic location of data collection: Agroscope-Reckenholz (Zürich, Switzerland), 
Neuchâtel Platform of Analytical Chemistry (Neuchâtel, Switzerland), and at the Institute of Bee Health (Bern, Switzerland)

5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: Support was provided by the Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU) to 
L.S., P.N. and G.R.W. (16.0091.PJ/R102-1664), by Agro- scope to L.S., M.A., G.R.W. and P.N., by the Vinetum Foun- dation to L.S. and P.N., 
by the Swiss National Fund (Project 31003A_169751) to G.R.W., by the ChangMai University Fund to P.N. and G.R.W., 
by the University of Bern Vetsuisse Faculty to B.V., the ASEM Duo-Foundation to L.S. and J.M. 
and the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (Pollinator Health Fund grant 549003), 
the California State Beekeepers’ Association, the USDA Hatch Project (NC1173) and USDA Cooperative Agreement (6066-21000-001-02-S) to G.R.W., 
P.C. acknowledges ChiangMai University Fund. 


1. File List: Excel file ("Strobl_et_al_PHEN-0894_Complete_raw_data_DRYAD.xlsx") has two sheets. Sheet 1 ("Complete data") has all the data  required
to repeat the statistical analyses. Sheet 2 ("Residue provision") has the results from the pesticide analyses of the treated oil seed rape fields. 

2. Relationship between files, if important: No.

3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: None.

4. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? No


See manuscript: 10.1111/phen.12349

DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: [Strobl_et_al_PHEN-0894_Complete_raw_data_DRYAD.xlsx]

1. Number of variables: 14

2. Number of cases/rows: 90

3. Variable List:

Sheet 1: 

Treatment: 1 = Control, 2 = Neonicotinoid
Sample_ID: Name of the individual sample (e.g., C7_4; C = Control, 7 = Cage, 4 = Nesting tube
Cage: Cage ID on the field
Nesting_tube: Tube ID in which the bee developed
Emergence: Time at which the bee emerged, measured in days [d]
Mass: Mass of the bee upon emergence, measured in milligrams [mg]
Sperm_quantity: Sperm quantity determined in each individual [#]
Sperm_thounds: Sperm quantity in thousands, basically the actually sperm quantity divided by 1000.
Viability: Proportion of living sperm determined after assessment
Viability_percentage: Proportion of living in percentage, basically the Viability x 100
Living_sperm: Is the proportion of sperm quantity that is alive. So multiply sperm_quantity by viability
Living_sperm_thoussands: Living_sperm value divided by 1000.
Age: Point of death or censorship during survival analyses, measured in hours [h]
Status: Used for survival analyses, where 0 = failure (i.e. death) and 1 = censord (i.e. bee was still alive after 96 h and used for sperm assessments
Cocoon_Status: Similar as Status yet simply used for cocoon survival post hibernation phase.
<list variable name(s), description(s), unit(s)and value labels as appropriate for each>

Sheet 2:

SampleID: Pollen sample
Treatment: Control or clothianidin (neonicotinoid)
Residue [ng/g]: Value of the detected concentration of clothianidin in the pollen sample

4. Missing data codes: N/A

5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None.