Anguloscalpellum pedunculatum (Hoek, 1883)

Fig. 12

Scalpellum pedunculatum Hoek, 1883: 99, pl. VI, figs 1–2.

Arcoscalpellum pedunculatum: Foster, 1978: 53, pl.7A, fig. 31.

Graviscalpellum pedunculatum: Foster, 1980: 526–527, fig. 3 (H).

Anguloscalpellum pedunculatum: Zevina, 1981a: 266, fig. 200; Jones, 1992: 160–161, figs 9–10; 2007: 292; Jones et al., 1990: 5; Jones, 2012: 371, 376.

Material examined. Holotype NHM UK 2013.1082, Stn 167: Pacific, Southwest (Tasman Sea); 270 m.

Supplementary descriptions. Foster (1978) and Jones (1992).

Distribution. Pacific, Southwest and Central. Known depth range 202 to 600 m.

Remarks. Foster (1980) placed this species in the genus Graviscalpellum Foster, 1980 together with Trianguloscalpellum annandalei (Calman, 1918), Litoscalpellum giganteum (Gruvel, 1902a), Trianguloscalpellum gigas (Hoek, 1883), Alcockianum persona (Annandale, 1916), Arcoscalpellum portoricanum (Pilsbry, 1907a), Litoscalpellum regina (Pilsbry, 1907a), and Trianguloscalpellum rubrum (Hoek, 1883). These are scalpellids that are all hermaphroditic, attain a relatively large size, and possess lower latera (about 1/10 of the height of the capitulum). According to the latest revision by Young (2007), the genus Graviscalpellum is a synonym of Anguloscalpellum.

Genus Arcoscalpellum Hoek, 1907

Arcoscalpellum Hoek, 1907: 57 (part); Pilsbry, 1908: 110 (subgenus); Withers, 1953: 196; Newman & Ross, 1971: 42 (part); Zevina, 1978b: 1350.

Holoscalpellum Pilsbry, 1907a: 25 (part).

Diagnosis. Sexes separate or hermaphrodite, capitulum with 13 or 14 fully calcified or partially reduced plates; tergum never bifurcate; scutum with apical umbo; carina evenly curved with apical or sub-apical umbo, curved, never angularly flexed; carinal latus with umbo in middle of carinal margin; inframedian latus triangular, reaching upper latus, umbo apical; caudal appendage uni- or multi-articulate; dwarf or complemental male saclike, with or without four plates.

Type species. Scalpellum velutinum Hoek, 1883.

Composition. 40 species.

Distribution. Worldwide, excluding the Arctic. Known depth range 40 to 5250 m.

Remarks. Scalpellum velutinum Hoek, 1883 is the type species by original designation, but is now considered to be a junior subjective synonym of A. michelottianum (Seguenza, 1876).