Barathrites parri Nybelin 1957

(Fig. 3D)

Material examined. 2 specimens, 258–275 mm SL: MOVI 38680 (1, 275 mm), E-0551; MOVI 38688 (1, 258 mm), E-0540.

Diagnosis. Seven branchiostegal rays; 1 median basibranchial tooth patch.

Distribution. Western North Atlantic (Nielsen et al. 1999) and off eastern Brazil, at depths from 1334 to 3000 m.

Remarks. First record in Brazilian waters. Collected off Rio de Janeiro, from 1334 to 1665 m depth.

Barathrodemus Goode & Bean 1883

Type species. Barathrodemus manatinus Goode & Bean 1883, original designation.

Diagnosis. Ophidiid with a relatively large head, about 2 times in preanal length; snout protruding and inflated; maxillary strongly sheathed; 2 median basibranchial tooth patches; vomerine tooth patch triangular; pectoral fin reaches anus or beyond.