WEBINAR: Getting started with deep learning
This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons webinar ‘Getting started with deep learning’. This webinar took place on 21 July 2021.
Are you wondering what deep learning is and how it might be useful in your research? This high level overview introduces deep learning ‘in a nutshell’ and provides tips on which concepts and skills you will need to know to build a deep learning application. The presentation also provides pointers to various resources you can use to get started in deep learning.
The webinar is followed by a short Q&A session.
Materials are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International agreement unless otherwise specified and were current at the time of the event.
Files and materials included in this record:
Event metadata (PDF): Information about the event including, description, event URL, learning objectives, prerequisites, technical requirements etc.
Index of training materials (PDF): List and description of all materials associated with this event including the name, format, location and a brief description of each file.
Getting Started with Deep Learning - Slides (PDF): Slides used in the presentation
Materials shared elsewhere:
A recording of the webinar is available on the Australian BioCommons YouTube Channel:
Event metadata.pdf
Additional details
- Machine learning
- http://edamontology.org/topic_3474