Hyalopomatus mironovi Kupriyanova, 1993

(Figures 5I–J)

Hyalopomatus mironovi Kupriyanova, 1993: 148–150, figs. 2a–h. Type locality: 45º14’N, 155º12’E, Kurile-Kamtchatka Trench, North-eastern Pacific.

Material examined. Nine specimens (revised by H.A. ten Hove): California (USA), LACM-AHF s.n., ZMA s.n. (34º42’N, 123º00’W, 220 km off California, Alvin dive 2831, 2913, 2915, FVGR, 4,100 m, Sept. 20, 1994, Feb. 16, 1995, April 23 and 25, 1995, coll. S. Beaulieu).

Diagnosis. Tube shining white, smooth, without ornamentation (Fig. 5I). Opercular peduncle smooth. Operculum pear-shaped with distal convex plate (Fig. 5J). Six thoracic chaetigers. Collar with chaetae finand-blade, with basal denticulate expansion and smooth limb and distinct gap between distal limb and basal expansion. “ Apomatus ” chaetae absent. Thoracic uncini with multiple rows of teeth and gouged peg.

Habitat. Depth: 4,100 m. Bathyal. On stalks of glass sponges of the genus Hyalonema, co-occurring with Bathyvermilia kupriyanovae n. sp. (cf. Beaulieu 2001b).

Distribution. North Pacific. Kurile-Kamtchatka Trench (Kupriyanova 1993) and off California (USA).

Remarks. The observations of the specimens of H. mironovi were made by Harry A. ten Hove (pers. comm.).