Neopontonides Holthuis, 1951

Neopontonides — Holthuis, 1951: 189; Chace, 1972: 25; Heard, 1986: 471; Fransen & Almeida, 2009: 838.

Diagonis. Rostrum well developed, with or without teeth (ventral teeth never present), reaching beyond basal segment of antennular peduncle. Antennal espine present, supraorbital, epigastric and hepatic teeth absent. Mandible without palp. First maxilliped has exopod with a caridean lobe. Second and third maxillipeds without expods. Second pereopods are strong. Third to fifith pereopods with simple dactyli. Telson with 2 pairs of dorsal spines and 3 pairs of spines on posterior margin.