Emmelostiba Pace, 1982

Emmelostiba Pace, 1982: 446 (type species: Emmelostiba besucheti Pace, 1982, by original designation).

Pseudousipalia Lohse in Lohse et al., 1990: 149 (type species: Pseudousipalia microptera Lohse in Lohse et al., 1990, by original designation; in subtribe Callicerina Lohse, 1969), syn. nov.

(Other references are omitted)

Diagnosis. See Pace (1982).

Discussion. The type species of Pseudousipalia and Emmelostiba are similar in their mouthparts, particularly the shape of the ligula which is split into two separate lobes (Fig. 12 in Pace 1982); in their pronotal setation pattern (Fig. 11 in Pace 1982); and in the distinct shape of the aedeagus, particularly the deeply split apex of the median lobe (Fig. 16 in Pace 1982; Fig. 54 in Lohse et al. 1990). Based on this similarity, I place Pseudousipalia in synonymy with Emmelostiba. The genus Emmelostiba was previously known from the Palaearctic and Oriental Regions.