Salmoneus setosus Manning & Chace, 1990

Fig. 6

Salmoneus setosus Manning & Chace 1990: 17, fig. 9; Anker 2007: 32, fig. 6; Anker 2010a: 202; Anker et al. 2016: 35, fig. 11E; De Grave et al. 2017: 764.

Material examined. 1 ovigerous specimen (cl 4.0 mm), MNHN-IU- 2019-2302, Mexico, Quintana Roo, Isla Cozumel, 1 km south of Playa Corona, sand flat with coral rubble, deep under large coral rock, 0.5–1 m, leg. A. Anker, 09.07.2010 [fcn COZ3-010]; 1 non-ovigerous specimen (cl 1.9 mm), FLMNH UF 41701, Cayman Islands, Little Cayman Island, McCloy’s Lodge, Heard Sta. 22, rock washings, leg. R. Heard et al., 08.08.1999; 1 non-ovigerous specimen (cl 3.4 mm), FLMNH UF 51922, Panama, Caribbean coast, Bocas del Toro, Isla Colón, Boca del Drago, 9°24’54.9”N 82°19’52.5”W, coral rubble crevices, leg. M. Leray & P.P.G. Pachelle, 01.04.2019 [fcn PP-131].

Remarks. Salmoneus setosus, although uncommon and rarely collected, is widely distributed in the tropical western and central Atlantic, with records from Mexico (Yucatan and Cozumel), Cayman Islands (Little Cayman Island), Panama (Bocas del Toro), Brazil (Atol das Rocas, Fernando de Noronha, Trindade and Martin Vaz Archipelago) and Ascension Island (type-locality) (Manning & Chace 1990; Anker 2007, 2010a; Anker et al. 2016; De Grave et al. 2017; present study). The species is herewith recorded from Panama (Bocas del Toro) and Cozumel Island in Mexico, based on recently collected material. The Cozumel specimen at cl 4.0 mm (Fig. 6c, d) is the largest specimen known so far; most of the other previously specimens reported have cl well under 3 mm (Anker 2007, 2010a; Anker et al. 2016) or at most 3.0 mm, as for instance, the Bocas del Toro specimen (Fig. 6a, b). The colour pattern of S. setosus ranges from lemon-yellow in smaller individuals to bright orange-yellow in larger ones (Fig. 6).