Thor manningi Chace, 1972

Thor manningi Chace, 1972: 137, figs. 59–60.

Material examined. 1 f, 03.VIII. 2008, Cairú, Tassimirim Beach, Boipeba Island, MZUESC 1324.

Distribution. Western Atlantic—Bermuda, North Carolina to Brazil (seamounts of the North Brazilian Chain, Fernando de Noronha, Ceará to São Paulo). Central Atlantic—Ascension Island (Manning & Chace 1990; Christoffersen 1998; Coelho Filho 2006).

Ecological notes. The single specimen examined was collected in a concretion of calcareous algae, at a salinity of 33 psu. Depth range: intertidal to 42 m (Chace 1972).

Previous records. None.

Remarks. The first illustrations of T. manningi from Brazil were provided by Almeida et al. (2008 b). The present specimen agrees well with the previously reported material.