Alpheus bouvieri A. Milne-Edwards, 1878

(Fig. 2 A)

Alpheus Bouvieri A. Milne-Edwards, 1878: 231.

Material examined. 2 m, 1 f, 02.VIII. 2008, Cairú, Moreré Beach, Boipeba Island, MZUESC 1295. See report by Almeida et al. (2006).

Distribution. Western Atlantic—Bermuda, Florida, West Indies, Panama and Brazil (Fernando de Noronha, Ceará to Rio Grande do Sul). Central Atlantic—Ascension Island. Eastern Atlantic—Cape Verde, Senegal to Gulf of Guinea and Congo (Crosnier & Forest 1966; Chace 1972; Christoffersen 1979, 1998; Manning & Chace 1990; Anker et al. 2009 a).

Ecological notes. Under rocks at the mouth of Cachoeira River (Ilhéus) (Almeida et al. 2006) and in crevices of coral rubble. Salinity range: 39 psu.

Previous records. Abrolhos (material in MNRJ and R/V Calypso, St. 84 A) (Christoffersen 1979); Ilhéus (Almeida et al. 2006).

Remarks. In the western Atlantic, A. bouvieri can be easily confused with the amphi-Atlantic A. agilis Anker, Hurt & Knowlton, 2009. However, A. bouvieri can be separated from A. agilis by the absence of spiniform setae on the P 3 and P 4 ischium, as well as the much more distinct rostral carina (Anker et al. 2009 a). Based on these characters, the material from southern Bahia was identified as A. bouvieri. The color pattern of A. bouvieri consists of transverse brownish bands on the carapace and abdomen and includes a characteristic whitish spot on the mesial surface of the major chela palm (Fig. 2 A).