Grammaria abietina (M. Sars, 1850)

(fig. 10I, J, table 12)

Campanularia abietina M. Sars, 1850: 139.

Salacia abietina: Hincks, 1868: 212, pl. 41 fig. 3

Grammaria abietina: Fraser, 1944: 217, pl. 44 fig. 200; Naumov, 1969: 306, fig. 174, pl. 1; Calder, 1970: 1523, pl. 5 fig. 1; Vervoort, 1972a: 56; Cornelius, 1975: 382, fig. 3; Millard, 1977: 12, fig. 3D–E; El Beshbeeshy, 1991: 80, fig. 19; Cornelius, 1995a: 257, fig. 59; Calder & Vervoort, 1998: 27, fig. 13; Schuchert, 2001a: 64, fig. 51.

Grammaria magellanica: Hartlaub, 1905: 598, fig. S 2 –U 2; Vervoort, 1972a: 58, fig. 16B; Stepanjants, 1979: 54, pl. 9 fig. 6.

Grammaria stentor: Hartlaub, 1905: 599, fig. V 2; Naumov, 1969: 305, fig. 173; Stepanjants, 1979: 53, pl. 9 fig. 7.

Material examined. Stn. CME — 28.iii. 2005, 20 m, S3: four colonies, up to 16 cm, and smaller fragments, all sterile, 2 slides (MHNG INVE 53156). Stn. CAR — 08.iii.2006, 15– 25 m, S151: one sterile colony, 7 cm high (MHNG INVE 53471). Stn. CPI — 07.iii. 2006, 20 m, S145: one sterile colony, 10 cm high (MHNG INVE 53459). Stn. GDA — 07.iii. 2006, 11 m, S115: one sterile colony, 6.5 cm high (MHNG INVE 53370).

Type locality. Off Bergen, Norway.

Remarks. This well-known species needs no further comments. For a recent redescription I refer to Schuchert (2001a). All the present material is sterile.

Hydroid epibionts. Hebella striata Allman, 1888.

World distribution. Circumpolar, ranging southward to the North Sea in the eastern Atlantic, and to southern New England in the western Atlantic. In the southern hemisphere, it was reported near Crozet, Kerguelen, and Falkland Islands, Tierra del Fuego, Patagonia (Schuchert 2001a).

Records from Chile. Previous records of this species are from the Strait of Magellan (Hartlaub 1905). The present material was found between 48°20' S and 51°40' S.