Architis turvo sp. nov.

Figures 10A–C, 11

Type material. Holotype: female, Parque Estadual do Turvo, Derrubadas, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 27º00’S, 53º40’W, 11–18 January 2002, Equipe Biota (IBSP 62897). Paratype: female, same locality as holotype (IBSP 62896).

Etymology. The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

Diagnosis. Architis turvo sp. nov. is similar to A. tenuipes in the shape of epigynum and configuration of internal genitalia (see diagnosis of A. tenuipes; also Fig. 9 CD). These species differ by the wider median field and the presence of lateral posterior pockets in the epigynum of A. turvo sp. nov. (Fig. 10B).


Male. Unknown.

Female (based on holotype from Parque Estadual do Turvo, Brazil)

Carapace yellow, with a median white spot and a median stripe of dark setae. Anterior eye row procurved, lateral eyes approximately twice the diameter of median eyes. Posterior eyes of similar size, slightly larger than anterior lateral eyes. Clypeus, chelicerae and endites yellow. Labium orange, sternum and pedipalpi white. Legs yellow, with dark spots at the base of spines. Femur, patella, tibia and metatarsus with apical dark rings. Opisthosoma gray, dorsally covered with white guanine spots (Fig. 10A). Spinnerets orange. Total length 4.6; carapace 1.8 long, 1.6 wide. Tibia I length 2.1, II 2.0, III 1.6, IV 1.7. Opisthosoma 2.5 long, 1.5 wide. CD encapsulated in rounded cases; fertilisation ducts emerging dorsally (Fig. 10C).

Natural history. The type specimens were collected by beating on understorey vegetation during the day.

Distribution. Known only from the type locality in southern Brazil (Fig. 11).