Architis tenuipes (Simon, 1898)

Figures 9A–D, 11

Drances tenuipes Simon 1898b: 18.

Dyrines tenuipes (Simon). Petrunkevitch 1911: 543; Roewer 1954: 136.

Architis tenuipes (Simon). Carico 1993: 202; Platnick 1998: 594.

Architis vilhena Carico 1981: 150, figs 1, 10, 22–23, map 2, tables 1–2. Brignoli 1983: 700; Carico 1989: 224, figs 6–7, table 1; Platnick 1989: 394; Platnick 1993: 515. Synonymy established by Carico (1993).

Type material. Syntypes of Drances tenuipes Simon, 1898: six males, Cametá, state of Pará, Brazil, 2 o 14’S, 49 o 30’W, Mathan (MNHN 5408) (not examined). Holotype of Architis vilhena Carico, 1981: male, Vilhena, state of Rondônia, Brazil, 12 o 43’S, 60 o 7’W, November 1973, M. Alvarenga (AMNH) (not examined).

Material examined. BRAZIL: Acre: Rio Branco (Reserva Extrativista de Humaitá), 9 o 58’S, 67 o 48’W, 12 April 1996, equipe IBSP/SMNK, 1♀ (IBSP 15709). Roraima: Alto Alegre (Ilha de Maracá, Rio Uraricoera), 3 o 22’S, 61 o 22’W, 18–22 August 1987, R. Gribel, 1♂, 2♀ (MCN 19751); same locality, 25 July 1987, 1♂, 3♀ (MCN 17643); same locality, 21 July 1987, 1♂, 3♀ (IBSP 62891). Rondônia: Vilhena, 12 o 43’S, 60 o 7’W, November 1973, M. Alvarenga, 3♂ (AMNH). Amazonas: Manaus (Reserva do Km 41), 2 o 27’S, 59 o 45’W, 2 May 2001, T. Izzo, 1♂ (IBSP 62892). Pará: Canindé (Rio Gurupi), 0 o 31’S, 51º13’W, 7–15 April 1963, B. Malkin, 2♂, 1 juv. (AMNH); Melgaço (Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã), 1 o 46’S, 50 o 43’W, 11 August 1996, A.A. Lise et al., 1♀ (MCTP 9419). Mato Grosso: Barra do Tapirapé, 15 o 52’S, 52º15’W, 1–2 January 1963, B. Malkin, 1♂ (AMNH); Jauru (Reserva Florestal da Usina Hidrelétrica de Jauru-Salto da Fumaça), 15 o 12’S, 58 o 43’W, April–November 2004, J. Raizer et al., 2♀ (IBSP); Sinop, 11º52’S, 55º37’W, October 1975, M. Alvarenga, 5♂ (AMNH).

Diagnosis. Architis tenuipes is morphologically close to A. helveola, with which it shares the VTA that is articulated with the pedipalpal tibia in males (Figs 9A, 12B). Both species differ by the VTA which is fused to the vRTA and the small, membranous dRTA in A. tenuipes (Figs 9A–B). Females are similar to A. turvo sp. nov. as in both species the median field of the epigynum is large, forming lateral excavated atria (Figs 9C, 10B) and the CD are encapsulated in rounded cases (Figs 9D, 10C). Both species can be differentiated by the epigynum of A. tenuipes that has a narrower median field and no posterior lateral pockets (Fig. 9C).


Male (based on IBSP 62891 from Alto Alegre, Brazil)

Carapace red-brown. Anterior eye row straight, eyes of similar size. Posterior eyes of similar size, slightly larger than anterior eyes. Clypeus and chelicerae red-brown, labium dark brown, endites and sternum creamcoloured. Pedipalpi and legs red-brown. Femur I with nine pairs of ventral thin spines. Tibia I with five pairs of ventral spines. Opisthosoma homogeneously gray, spinnerets cream-coloured. Total length 4.9. Carapace 2.0 long, 1.7 wide. Tibia I length 4.0, II 3.8, III 2.8, IV 3.2. Opisthosoma 2.7 long, 1.1 wide.

Female (based on IBSP 62891 from Alto Alegre, Brazil)

Carapace, clypeus and chelicerae yellow. Eye configuration as male. Labium, endites and sternum creamcoloured. Pedipalpi and legs yellow, tibia with long and curved trichobothria. Leg spination as in male. Opisthosoma yellow, suffused with dark spots. Opisthosoma sides with sparse white guanine spots. Spinnerets yellow. Total length 5.1. Carapace 2.1 long, 1.9 wide. Tibia I length 4.0, II 4.2, III 2.9, IV 3.2. Opisthosoma 3.0 long, 1.2 wide.

Variation. Males, total length 4.9–5.5, carapace width 1.6–1.7. Females, total length 4.2–5.1, carapace width 1.6–1.9.

Natural history. The females from Jauru (IBSP) were collected by beating understorey vegetation during the day.

Distribution. Northern Brazil (Fig. 11).