Architis comaina sp. nov.

Figures 7A–D, 11

Type material. Holotype: male, Cordillera Del Condor, alto Río Comaina, Puesto de Vigilancia 22 (Falso Paquisha), department of Amazonas, Peru, 4 o 27’S, 78 o 13’W, 21 October–3 November 1987, D. Silva (MUSM). Paratypes: male and two females, same locality (MUSM); 2 males and 2 females, same locality (IBSP 71965).

Etymology. The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

Diagnosis. Architis comaina sp. nov. resembles A. tenuis and A. cymatilis by eye size and arrangement (Carico 1981; fig. 11), the presence of ventral cuspule-like spines on male coxae I (Fig. 4E), the prolaterally notched VTA (Figs 2A, 3A, 7A) and the basally fused vRTA and dRTA (Figs 2B, 3B, 7B). It can be distinguished by larger, ventrally projected vRTA (Fig. 7B) and the longer and narrower apex of the cymbium (Fig. 7A) of the male pedipalpus. Females are similar to A. ikuruwa by the CD which are encapsulated in epigynal folds (Fig. 8B), but can be differentiated by the sinuous border of the LL of the epigynum (Fig. 7C) and the sinuous and apically expanded internal epigynal folds (Fig. 7D).


Male (based on holotype from Cordillera Del Condor, Peru)

Carapace reddish-brown, dark brown medially and marginally. Anterior eye row procurved, lateral eyes strongly projected ventrally and almost twice as large as medians. Posterior eyes of similar size. Clypeus cream-coloured, chelicerae reddish-brown. Sternum cream-coloured, with marginal brown spots at the base of coxae. Labium and endites reddish-brown. Pedipalpi and legs reddish-brown, with dark lateral spots. Opisthosoma dark gray dorsally, with gray spots. Venter and sides cream-coloured, with dark spots. Spinnerets reddish-brown. Total length 5.3; carapace 1.8 long, 1.6 wide. Tibia I length 4.2, II 4.2, III 2.8, IV 3.4. Opisthosoma 2.5 long, 1.3 wide. VTA slightly sclerotised apically; conductor wide, directed anteriorly (Fig. 7A).

Female (based on paratype (MUSM) from Cordillera Del Condor, Peru)

Colouration as male. Total length 4.8; carapace 1.9 long, 1.7 wide. Tibia I length 3.5, II 3.4, III 2.6, IV 3.0. Opisthosoma 2.9 long, 1.7 wide. Epigynum with LL ventrally projected over MF; copulatory openings positioned anteriorly, inside wide lateral atria (Fig. 7C).

Variation. Males, total length 4.2–5.3, carapace width 1.6. Females, total length 4.5–5.0, carapace width 1.6–1.7.

Distribution. Known only from the type locality in northern Peru (Fig. 11).