Stegobium paniceum (Linnaeus, 1758)

NEW BRUNSWICK: Saint John Co.: Saint John, 27.vii.1910, collector not recorded, in old cabinet, CNC. NOVA SCOTIA: 148 specimens examined from Colchester, Cumberland, Pictou, Cape Breton, Guysborough, Halifax, Lunenburg, and Kings counties (Table 1). The earliest record is from 1952 (Colchester Co.: Truro, 25.v.1952, M.E. Neary, (6), NSAC). PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND: Queens Co.: Charlottetown, v.1967 and v.1981, L.S. Thompson, (5), ACPE; Charlottetown, 10.x.1951 and xi.1955, F.M. Cannon, (2), ACPE; St. Patricks, 19.vii.2001, C.G. Majka, cabin, CGMC.

An introduced Palearctic species newly recorded in Nova Scotia and on Prince Edward Island (Fig. 12). Cosmopolitan; in Canada recorded from British Columbia east to Newfoundland (McNamara 1991c). Found in mills, bakeries, warehouses, libraries, and homes where the larvae feed on a wide variety vegetable and animal products as well as dried plants, old books, and paper.